The final stop on Day One of the #140conf found @jeffpulver and team in Cincinnati for a Sunday evening RoadTrip TweetUp.

The attendees, the stories and the entire experience remind me that no social media platform can replicate the original social network – meeting live and in person.

Putting faces to names and Twitter handles is part of it. But you obviously learn so much more than you can from even the most well-crafted 140 character missive.  We should all do it more often.

With more than 20 people in attendance, there were plenty of stories to tell and document about Cincinnati’s social media community. From something as simple as trading tips about the iPhone and iPad with @elliotcampbell and @JoeyWessels to learning about the latest social media efforts at Union Terminal with @Doug4Cincy. Catching up with folks like @danieljohnsonjr @kristaneher and meeting folks for like @AmelahG and @jamieboyle for the first time reminds me of how essential these events really are.

Perhaps it was the dose of inspiration from Jeff as he explained his mission for #140conf. All of the scheduled events look like they have enormous potential. In a format that forces value from the speaker and optimizes every attendee’s investment of time and money, October’s event in Detroit is definitely worth attending.

Thanks to all who attended. Here are some links to Cincinnati Tweet Up Video and Pics. Below are the Twitter handles I recorded. I know I missed a few so let me know who’s not on the list. 

#conf140 Team
@jeffpulver @AlanWeinkrantz @Krochmal @geogeller 

@prblog @milanmike @gozapit @ncyp23 @jamieboyle @AmelahG @knrose @checkin_cincy @mbdunnusa @daveknox @Girlfriendology @elliotcampbell @JoeyWessels @Doug4Cincy. @danieljohnsonjr @kristaneher 

@kodak @smartwater @buick @doubletreehtls 

Cross-Posted to my work blog Social Study
A Call to #140conf posted by @prblog

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