Saturday January 4, 2025

Hunger Games’ Social Media Lesson? The Need for Real-Time (Data) and Longer Lead Time

The word of mouth and promotional frenzy around Lionsgates’ Hunger Games has been deafening. It helped the film break box office records — before it even opened it seemed. While I may never see the movie (I’m not the target audience), one thing I’m first to admit is that I really like how the movie […]

Takes Time

So, Apple’s electronics supplier, Foxconn, is partially cleared after an actor admitted he lied about it.   While that is good for Foxconn, unfortunately it does not absolve the company completely.  Residues of uncertainty and suspicion will last.  A perception once rooted is hard to remove.  What should Foxconn do to rebuild its reputation?  Invite the […]

Long Time Coming

Research in Motion (RIM) has been teetering on the edge of irrelevance since the debut of the Smart Phone.  A Blackberry is no longer the leading edge of business communications.  That is why this action is occurring too late in the company’s life.  As co-CEOs, Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis, stayed too long with their approach […]

Change takes time, as does strategy

It’s interesting to watch the response to Reed Hastings’ announcement that Netflix is splitting its DVD unit to a new business called Qwikster. As we know, on the internet everyone is an expert and no one is shy on casting judgment on anything within minutes of it being announced.  Of course this is nothing new […]

Time To Blink

It is time for Republicans and Democrats in Washington to blink and break the stare-down that has been going on for months.   Neither side is paying attention to the public that wants compromise.  Ideologues make poor legislators and citizens, though they might not pay close attention to what is happening in Washington, at least […]

Maybe This Time

Steve Jobs of Apple is taking another medical leave but not giving up his post as CEO.  The last time he did this, he did not tell anyone why he had stepped away, and he had a liver transplant — a serious and life-threatening operation.  He owed at least investors an explanation for his absence. […]

Before Their Time

Some products and services arrive before their time and no amount of PR and marketing is enough to gain acceptance.  Here is one.  Here is another. The electronic medical record is more than a decade overdue, but a combination of economics and resistance from doctors has prevented its adoption.  In-store TV has seemed to be […]

Time Off

I’m taking time away from the blog.  I’ll return toward the end of the month.  Tweet This Post

Works Every Time

Some PR techniques are gold-plated. They work every time one uses them. Here’s one — the concept car. Porsche has been a master of this game for decades and judging by the drooling prose of the writer, it has scored again. The car is cool to view and its performance characteristics are stunning. No wonder […]

Age of Conversation 3: It’s Time to Get Busy

Gavin Heaton and Drew McLellan’s “Age of Conversation” project is about to publish a third book. “AOC3: It’s Time to Get Busy” could be available as early as next month. I’m proud to note I participated in this edition of the series. “From pitch to participate – a new model for social media relations” is […]