Wednesday January 8, 2025

Unwanted Publicity

It is bad enough that one sponsors a race in which contestants stop and gorge on a dozen sugary donuts half-way through, but to have a runner drop dead in the middle of the challenge is unwanted publicity.  This is what happened at the annual Krispy Kreme challenge in North Carolina, a race that benefits the North Carolina […]


What is a definition of publicity?  This is one — the lavish opening of a new Star Wars film.  Disney is known for its show business skill, and it put it to work for the grand opening of a film that cost it $4.3 billion to make — if you count the purchase of Lucasfilm […]

Classic Publicity

The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade has been going for so long that no one quite remembers it was originally and still is a publicity event for the store.  The parade has taken on a life of its own.  Macy’s to its credit has allowed the parade to expand and include a little of everything from […]

Space Publicity

Ever wonder how NASA and its affiliates generate publicity for their missions?  They work hard at it.  The link is to an article that details the Pluto flyby mission, which went off so successfully this past July.  It turned out to be a multi-day media event that required plenty of logistics, press access to the scientists, conferences, […]

Publicity Tool

Watch this video and think of the publicity value of having a hololens and augmented reality in publicity events.  For example, in a new car introduction, one can isolate sections of the vehicle, such as the drivetrain and project them before an audience in a way that they can walk around and examine the image. […]

Stomach-Churning Publicity

This doctor thinks stomach-churning images of lower limb amputations should be placed on prepared foods that lend to Type 2 diabetes.  He points to anti-smoking campaigns as a model.  The problem is that no one knows whether it would work.  The doctor is right about Type 2 diabetes.  It is at epidemic levels in the […]

Negative Publicity

No company, especially a start-up, needs negative publicity like this.  It shows a lack of command and training and most importantly, common sense.  Uber’s ride sharing service can fail quickly if there are more high-speed chases like this one. The company already is under pressure from Yellow cab drivers, Taxi and Limousine Commissions and other car […]

Science Publicity

One lesson a scientist should learn is not to announce too loudly a discovery.  Future facts might humiliate.  This is what is happening now to the gravitational wave study that was bruited globally earlier this year.  Doubts are creeping in about the meaning of the data.  Did the astronomers see polarization in the cosmic microwave background or in […]

When Publicity Goes Wrong

Sometimes creative media ideas go wrong.  When they do, you get an incident like this.  The publicist for a computer gaming company went to great time and expense to assemble a package that could pass for a safe — or a bomb.  How was a newsroom to know?  After the building had been evacuated, the […]

When Publicity Is Too Much

The creator of a popular game, “Flappy Bird”, has called it quits and taken down the game from distribution.  It seems he is upset by the amount of publicity for the game and for himself.  He just wants to get back to creating new challenges and being his own man.  His decision flies in the […]