Monday January 6, 2025

Positive Publicity

This shows the power of positive publicity.  So far as I know, Amazon did not advertise its price cuts at Whole Foods the day it took over.  It simply made them and let the media discover with their market basket approach the slashes to the price of food.  The company has garnered miles of free […]

Publicity Coup Again

Google made international headlines last year when its artificial intelligence computer beat a Korean Go master in a series of games.  It was a publicity coup.  Google is at it again with a series of three games between the AI machine and the top-ranked Go player of the world.  It has already won the first […]

Cute Science Publicity

This is a cute event — racing nano-vehicles under the gaze of a scanning tunneling microscope.  Who says science can’t be fun and educational?  The molecular “cars” will be pushed along a gold track by pulses of electricity and eventually, one molecule will win.  That the size of the things is less than one thousandth […]

Positive Employee Publicity

Recognizing employees for their work is always good publicity and smart PR.  Consider this case.  A McDonald’s restaurant worker went above and beyond the call of duty and saved a disabled passenger in her SUV.  The company is proud of him and the standard of customer care he delivered.  So, it publicized his action, and […]

Progress Publicity

One of the oldest tactics in communications is to report the progress of products and organizations.  It results in stories like this.  Some companies don’t believe in progress reporting — notably, Apple, which presents fully developed products to its customers. Progress publicity, however, serves a function.  It keeps stakeholders apprised of a company’s actions and […]

The New Publicity

This is an example of the new publicity tools using Instagram.  The New York restaurant posts images of its food on influencer sites and reaps the reward of traffic through its doors.  The process is simple and clever, but it requires planning and segmenting the sites one uses.  Note that the restaurant refuses to pay for postings. […]

Military Publicity

This article makes clear that the Naval installation where the reporter witnessed a rail gun in action is a top secret facility.  If it is top secret, how come it was being used to demonstrate a new weapon?  The Navy is lifting the veil on a revolutionary technology that someday might replace artillery.  There is […]

Publicity Vs. Professionalism

Navy Seals are grappling with their image of quiet professionalism in the wake of waves of publicity by present and former members.  It seems anyone and anything with the label Seal can be exploited for profit.  This is upsetting to many members of the Seal community who pride themselves on getting a job done without […]

Publicity For The Poor

Say what you want about Pope Francis but he is dedicated to publicizing the plight of the poor and scolding nations for failing to care for them.  He has made poverty a central theme in his reign and he rarely misses a chance to highlight the miseries of the masses who have little shelter, food […]

Great Science Publicity

The detection of gravity waves — a first for mankind — has also produced some great science publicity such as this.  The producer of the video has taken a complex topic and boiled it to its essentials to facilitate understanding.  The complexity lies in the building of the two machines in the first place. Every source of […]