Wednesday January 8, 2025

The Anti-Social Media Trend

A group of new social media applications are focused on letting you share — but with a closed circle of friends. Apps like Path, GroupMe, Fast Society and ChattrSpace are focused on letting you share and communicate quickly and easily to a predefined group of people. Surely one reason for the influx of these sites […]

Social Media Brings a Shift in Skills

We’ve all been told that we’re in a constant state of change. It’s a mantra that loses meaning the more it’s chanted in mainstream media, PowerPoint decks, business books and blogs alone. Marketers and brands are finding themselves in new roles. Starbucks is a Digital Network (not to mention a music label). Razorfish is repping […]

Defining Paid, Earned and Owned Media

At SummitUp yesterday, I discussed integrating paid, owned, earned and, as a result, social media. Media Mash Up: Integrating Chaos** – became a fitting title for my presentation as I’ve realized how much change is threading through media. Classifying media types by silos, buckets or Venn diagrams is no longer possible. Even AdAge refers to it as […]

Starbucks’ In-Store Wifi Leveraged Into Branded Media Network

Starbucks is giving customers one more reason to stop in, and to stick around, with Starbucks Digital Network. In a partnership with Yahoo, its taking exclusive content and free downloads that are only available to customers tapping into the wifi at one of it’s thousands of retail locations. Double Shot of ContentCustomers with wireless devices […]

Media Circus

The rescue of the miners in Chile is underway and the media circus is reaching a frenzy.  It will continue for days more as the story of the trapped miners is told and retold from the captives’ perspectives.  The Chilean government has done what it can to protect the miners from the glare of publicity […]

Social Blurs Media Lines

In the article, “Wanna Buy a Blog?” Ad Age reports Forbes is selling access to its readers by selling advertisers blogs that operate alongside other Forbes blogs. “This isn’t the ‘sponsored post’ of yore; rather, it’s giving advocacy groups or corporations such as Ford or Pfizer the same voice and same distribution tools as Forbes […]

The Ultimate Social Media Site is Onsite

The final stop on Day One of the #140conf found @jeffpulver and team in Cincinnati for a Sunday evening RoadTrip TweetUp. The attendees, the stories and the entire experience remind me that no social media platform can replicate the original social network – meeting live and in person. Putting faces to names and Twitter handles […]

Signs of Social Media | Friday Flickr Fix | 07.02.10

Created a new Group on Flickr called Signs of Social Media. Our mobile phones make us anthropologists to a small degree as we document everything from unnecessary quotation marks to passive aggressive notes while “in the field.”This Flickr group is focused on how brands are promoting their social media presence. It includes consumer packaged goods flowing […]

Journalism and Another Social Media Paradox

A recent tweet from Jay Rosen reminded me of another social media paradox.Rosen’s tweet leads to a Yahoo! Finance job description that requires an interesting set of skills.“We’re looking for a natural leader who isn’t afraid to get his or her hands dirty. He or she must see the big picture but also be detail-oriented.”It sounds […]

Starbucks and the Social Media Expert

 Starbucks’ Chris Abruzzo, VP of Brand, Content and Online, did double duty during Internet Week NY speaking at CM Summit and the Mashable/CNN event. As you’ll see in this video, Starbucks is using social media to invert the way it goes to market for product launches.Many folks participating in social media would probably agree that […]