Sunday January 5, 2025

Good Enough?

Microsoft is coming out with Office 15 that has significant improvements in features, functions and benefits.  This might be a time to ask whether one really needs it and to wonder what Microsoft can say to get people to trade in their older models of Office.  There comes a time when additions to software outstrip […]

Good Or Bad PR?

Did Netflix practice good or bad public relations by cancelling the split between its DVD and streaming services?  One could argue either way.  The first argument is that Netflix should have known better than to split them in the first place.  Had it done market research, its customers would have told them it was a […]

Good And Evil

This and this are reminders that any media tool that can be used for good purposes also can be used for evil.  All media are neutral.  It is the intent behind them that makes the difference.  Social media were used earlier this year in the Arab pro-democracy movement.  Now, they are being used to coordinate […]

Here’s your good deed for today

Although I have always rarely talked about my employer on this blog, I’m always willing to make an exception for a good cause. Today Microsoft (disclosure for anyone other than my mother who reads this blog: my employer) has expanded the company’s software donations program to give more nonprofits access to technology that can help […]

Good Bet

A few days ago, I bet here that killing a newspaper wouldn’t free Rupert Murdoch from controversy.  I’m a lousy bettor but for once, I was right.  Murdoch has more problems than he can handle now with the government turned against him.  To put it another way, once one has lost his reputation, there is little […]

Social Media for Good: The Goodness Engine

A couple of months ago, a whole set of very smart people came together at the inaugural social hackathon to help address its ongoing technology and marketing challenges. There were social media luminaries such as Beth Kanter and Chris Brogan as well as representatives from Bing, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, REI, Twitter and WebTrends. From […]

Sometimes it’s good to stop and take stock

Blog notification: This is one of those self-indulgent rambling posts that I do from time to time. Part-introspective, part-grumpy… We “office” workiers are probably are working longer and harder than ever before.  We deal with more information from more sources, we juggle meetings, calls, work, e-mail, IM, social media and of course most important of […]

Influence, huh, yeah, what is it good for…

With apologies to Edwin Starr, when did the word influence join the commoditized dictionary with experience, integrated, solutions and the like? Was it when the word was first used (incorrectly) as a synonym to popularity? I’m not sure. And I don’t really care. But popularity is not the same as influence and ever since Fast Company’s much-discussed […]

Smart and funny… recipe for good marketing

You’re faced with an “old” brand (which interestingly – to me at any rate -  was originally created for women in 1937) launched in 1938.  It’s a brand with a lot of baggage, particularly in a world of glossy competitors. Rather than go the usual route, they took an alternative approach, which certainly appears to […]

A Good Thing, Perhaps

An Appeals Court has struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s indecency policy, calling it a violation of the First Amendment.  That is a good thing.  It was silly having the government police language that erupted on the air.  On the other hand, there is a tendency to push limits, so it could lead to a decline […]