Monday January 6, 2025


The US is getting a lesson in credibility and reputation, and it is humbling.  No one is sure what will happen in the markets today but at this hour stock index futures are falling and there is a possibility of another butchery similar to last week.  It would be easy to blame the entire mess […]

Strained Credibility

Boeing has pushed back delivery of its Dreamliner again.  The plane is three years overdue and billions are riding on its successful production.  The program has been a disaster for the company.  Everything that could go wrong did.  Its new methods of construction, its use of widely distributed suppliers and its employment of different materials […]

Credibility means walking the walk

Two things triggered this post.  First, a couple of weeks ago I was talking with someone who expressed despair at who in the PR/Marketing sphere should she be following/reading and how would she know if she could trust they were talking sense or not. I’ll address that first. There’s a fantastic, rich reservoir of opinions, […]

In Need Of Credibility

A year ago, one would not have thought that the Euro was in trouble as a monetary system.  What a difference a market meltdown makes.  The Euro today needs the highest level of PR to hold the market together and to continue as a viable currency.   That, of course, includes austerity programs in debt-ridden countries and bail-outs, […]

Limits of Credibility

BP has capped the blown well and wants to keep it shut until it can be sealed forever.  But that hasn’t changed the fears of investors and the government into confidence that the well is under control.    So much has gone wrong in the process of capping the well that they now fear there could be […]