Fotolia_7919591_Subscription_L Brian Solis recently posted a factoid on Google+ that looks to be pure powerpoint pr0n.

Number of Days to Reach 10 Million Users
Facebook: 852
Twitter: 780
Foursquare 730
Google+: 16

And Google+ is already closing in on 20 million users. Impressive statistics. But after resharing it on Google+, two people were quick to qualify this milestone.

Brad Marley: Solis’ numbers are pretty mind-blowing. But to be fair, Facebook only allowed users with .edu email addresses (at first). We can’t say for sure if allowing anyone to sign up would’ve quickened the rise, but I think that has to be considered. And the proliferation of mobile devices has to be taken into account. 

Serena Ehrlich: Registration is one thing, adoption is another. Plus the email address situation that Brad mentions. The question will be how quickly can the every day user get used to the new format. But even if it took a year, that would be amazing.

To which I added: Not to mention, ALL of the pre-G+ services from Google helped with the quick sign up of users. It was uber simple to connect if you already had a google account, yes?! And Facebook, MySpace and Friendster before it all helped raise awareness that was applied to Google+. This gave Serena Ehrlich some additional ideas.

Serena Ehrlich: I think once the brands come on board, adoption will increase and the use patterns wil become more defined. In some ways, this is a mix of Facebook, Twitter and Iolcatz – but if the video aspect (hangouts etc) take off, and the space becomes a platform for brands to interact directly with consumers, adoption will increase. Video ranks high in search results. Hmm, I wonder if you can record a hangout?

We stopped there. But you get the point. And others on the original thread have also
joined in the qualification process we started in the above post. Factoids on a slide sound amazing. But don’t forget to ask some questions and consider the bigger picture before you liquidate all of your assets to go worship full-time on the Googleplex lawn.

Photo courtesy of Fotolia

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