During a protest in Manhattan, the police roughed up an Associated Press reporting team, only to be caught on camera by a videojournalist.  The police surely knew who the AP staffers were.  Their equipment was clearly marked and couldn’t be mistaken. But, the cops did it anyway and in the process betrayed their sense of power as they worked to control the protestors.  There is an old cliche about the media that the police violated.  “Never pick a fight with those who buy ink by the barrel.”  The AP got even right away by publishing a story on its wire, which cast the police in a harsh light.  There was no need for hyperbole.  Just the facts were enough to show the law was out of control.  New York’s finest have created a PR problem for themselves and there was no need to do it.  They know well that reporters should be left alone to do their jobs.  There is no excuse.

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