These long, insightful and brilliant comments from Google to the Federal Trade Commission on the future of news are essential reading for PR practitioners.  Google recites the history of technological change and newspapers, points out what it is doing to help find new economic models for news gathering and dissemination and calls for reasonable business approaches to ultimate solutions.  As one commentator noted, Google takes the Commission to school on the subject.   As if to verify Google’s approach, this innovation from ABC News for Apple iPads is an innovative approach to providing global news to readers.  It provides a graphic approach that engages the reader’s interest at the same time as it provides information.

Google is right.  News cannot stay the same nor should it be subsidized in the internet era.  Newspapers will find new economic models after a period of shrinkage and pain, but that should not be done by fighting the present and future.  Rather, one should accept change and move with it.  This is something that newspaper publishers have always found hard to do.

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