Time for twitter
People sometimes ask me how they can enjoy Twitter more. Here are five tips I’ve employed to make the most of this now iconic social utility.

1) Use TweepML: TweepML is a great resource for finding lists of like-minded Twitter folk. It also makes it dead simple to follow a group of people. Be sure to create some of your own lists. By being included on TweepML lists, the site has generated more than 1,100 followers for me over time.

2) Be Current Eventful: We counsel clients to have a social media editorial calendar so they’re not stuck without relevant conversation starters. Another thing to consider is tapping into current events, popular TV shows or sporting events and participating in the discussion. It’s a great way to become part of the community and to truly connect more with folks on Twitter. Also consider Twitter Chats – these are live virtual events held on Twitter. There are chats held for just about any topic. Find one of interest to you or create your own – just be sure to use a tool like Tweetchat to make the event easier to follow and participate in.

3) Tap Into OneForty: OneForty’s goal is “to give you access to the very best tools that make Twitter valuable.” Their site provides an easy way to find tools and other sites that help you get even more from Twitter. You can rate the sites you find and also create your own toolkits to collect and share your favorite sites with other users.

4) Follow the Law of Thirds: Ever go to someone’s Twitter page and see that every tweet is almost identical and usually self-promotional? How likely are you to return to those profiles much less follow them? The Law of Thirds is a general guideline designed to help you provide a good mix of content. You’ll want to tweet value content, conversation as well as some self-promotional information. Value content includes POV thoughts, live tweets from a conference and/or links to things you think are cool and useful — but that have nothing to do with you. Mixing in some self-promotion can be done. Just try not to offer too much of it — or any of the other thirds for that matter.

5) Put Style in the Profile: Twitter is all about making personal connections. Filling our your profile with your personal information, adding a picture of yourself and even customizing your background goes a long way in giving your profile a personal feel. It shows people you’re serious about participating, helps them make a connection with you and encourages them to follow you. It’s understandable that some folks would rather protect their tweets or minimize the amount of information they provide in their profile. But their amount of followers will be impacted as a result.

Twitter is a lot like life in that you get out of it what you put into it. These sites and tips make it easier to work smart with Twitter and get even more out of it. They’ve definitely helped me appreciate the little blue bird more.

Time Cover Story: How Twitter Will Change The Way We Live (in 140 characters of less) uploaded by stevegarfield
Cross-posted to my work blog, Social Study

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