Storytelling Here are three curation tools I’ve been using to help tell stories online. I’m still figuring some of them out, but I’m sharing them them here for your feedback and insight.

Make Your Story a Scoop: Scoop It is one of a handful of curation tools to emerge from the Web 2.0 fire hose they’re designed to mitigate. Scoop It helps you curate links, and even suggests links for your topic. You can add descriptions to each link for context and Scoop It serves them up nicely on a permalinked page. It’s simple, easy and does a great job of serving up the content. Check out this video for an overview.

Here’s my work-related example. I’m pulling together specific stories to create an overview of some recent company news. Scoop It can help quickly establish credibility for a topic and it’s easy to share the content.

Send a Video Snippet: BlipSnips is a sophisticated option for deep linking to YouTube videos. BlipSnips allows you to tag/link to multiple points of a video from a single page. You can even use it to embed video from a specific starting point. This link takes you to a video project I worked on — one minute into the video. I used the tag to leave a personal note for someone and, in this work-related example, I’m using BlipSnips to create a very customized pitch.

Crowdsource a Story with Flickr: Flickr allows you to crowdsource your story. Signs of Social Media is a public group I created to illustrate how brands are promoting their social media presence. The group curates images of everything from subtle details at your favorite tavern and CNN’s latest TV newcast to package design and even a brand’s pimped out office space.

After posting my content to the group, I searched for photos tagged with relevant keywords like “Facebook + sign” and “social media + retail”. If I found a good picture, I invited it/that user to the group. This helps tell a much richer story than I could with just my own photos – twice as many in this instance. A simpler, and much more random, example of this is Hash Albums. This site pulls all images from Twitter and organizes them into albums based on their hash tags. Since it’s automated, it’s really aggregation vs.curation, but it’s worth checking out.

Transmedia Meal vs. Broadcast Buffet
Transmedia Storytelling may sound like shiny new semantics, but it recognizes and encapsulates the various ways we’re able to tell a story online. The three options above are more visually focused. Steve Rubel offers up markdown language as a way to ensure even simpler formats can be consumed and spread.

To avoid getting mired in the various tips, tools and hacks designed to help us publish content, even the ones above, use transmedia storytelling to take a more holistic view of your content and how it supports your goals. This will help you avoid the broadcast trap. Just because there are 20+ ways to tell a story doesn’t mean you need to use them all.

Less really is more.

Sunday Paper uploaded by Brendan Lynch

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