More women than men are reluctant to get the coronavirus vaccine.  This is serious because women tend to make healthcare decisions in the family.  The reluctance is the result of disinformation about the virus and vaccines developed this year.  Women are apparently afraid of protection developed so quickly.  They have tended to dismiss the large trials of the vaccine and positive results from them.  What is needed is a parade of leaders and celebrities taking the vaccine publicly to calm fears.  It would be a strong PR move to support mass immunization.  (If Michelle Obama is not worried about getting vaccinated, why should I be?)  President-elect Joe Biden has set a goal of 100 million jabs in the first 100 days of his presidency.  He is only going to reach that goal with tuned logistics and a willingness of the public to participate.  Biden and Harris should be the first ones to get the shot on camera before millions of citizens.

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