Saturday January 4, 2025

Another PR Coup

 NASA’s Mars helicopter has just completed its first flight on the planet.  It is a breakthrough moment for exploration and similar to the Wright brother’s first flight in their wood and canvas plane.  It is also a PR coup.  PR is what you do and are rather than what you say about yourself.  NASA and […]

Split Message

The Republican party is split between pro-Trump and anti-Trump factions.  So far, the pro-Trump wing is winning the money race, but the split message can’t be good for the 2022 elections.  Parties win when they have a unified voice that appeals to the American public.  Fracturing their message puts them in electoral limbo.  The challenge […]

Altogether Now

Big business is seeking a unified, market-based strategy on climate control. It is turning to government to get the job done.  CEOs realize some actions are beyond the scope of individual corporations.  When that happens, they plead for regulation.  It is a rebuke of capitalism that would see government out of markets altogether.  As much […]

Psychological Warfare

China is conducting psychological warfare against Taiwan.  It is sending fighters and ships into Taiwan’s security zone and calling their intrusions “combat drills.”   China has made it clear that Taiwan is Chinese and not an independent country.  Short of invading the island, China is doing everything it can to ratchet pressure on Taiwan’s government and […]

Interesting Media Strategy

White House communications strategists have hit upon an interesting media strategy.  Use the President sparsely.  He is trotted out now and again for media questions but for the most part, he is away from the press.  He is relying on cabinet members to meet and talk to journalists.  This is the exact opposite of President […]

Idle Boast

 A partner of Elon Musk has tweeted that he could create modern dinosaurs if he wished in 10 or 15 years.  The fellow is a neuroscientist and not a biologist.  Maybe he could but it is far from clear that technology has progressed to that point.  Rather his communication strikes one as an idle boast […]

Down The Middle

The Augusta National Golf Club chairman has hit an issue straight down the fairway, bending neither right nor left.  This was the result of his comments on the new Georgia voting law.  He affirmed the right to vote but he did not comment on the law.  He also rejected calls for moving the Masters tournament […]


 As this amusing compilation of interviews demonstrates, tech startups aren’t free from clichés.  They are all doing the same things for employees but boasting about them as if they are unique.  They are aping one another and conforming to unwritten rules for launching companies.  Yet, they want to be one-of-a-kind and to succeed.  One wonders […]

Firing A Shot

Republican senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, fire a shot at US corporations yesterday by telling them to stay out of politics.  He was reacting to the CEO’s who criticized the new Georgia voter law.  From a communicator’s perspective, this might not have been the best warning.  Corporations have been loyal supporters of the Republican party, […]

Propaganda Works

Why do individuals and governments engage in propaganda?  Because it works.  Some people believe lies even if evidence is strongly against them.  Consider Republicans and the January 6 riot at the Capitol.  Half of Republicans believe the lie that it was a peaceful protest or the work of left-wing liberals.  And, they will go on believing the […]