Thursday January 2, 2025

April Fools

Volkswagen pulled off an April Fools prank, which unfortunately went bad.  It claimed in a press release that it was changing its name to Voltswagen to recognize its commitment to electric vehicles.  The media believed the company and widely reported the name change.  It wasn’t until later the company fessed up and pulled the release […]

Space PR

Four civilians are now ready to take the a SpaceX flight in September or later.  They had to pay to do it and the cost was not cheap.  It is the first step to making commercial flights with civilians. a long-sought goal.  Several companies are in development with rockets designed to lift ordinary people into […]

Unmovable Power

The generals who have seized power in Myanmar are unmovable.  They are killing their own citizens who are protesting the coup.  As long as they maintain control over their soldiers, they will continue to shoot protestors until they regain total control.  This is the fate of those who cannot muster an equally powerful response to tyranny.  […]


When a company’s reputation is imperiled by false stories, it might have no alternative but to file suit for defamation.  Legal redress might not clear its name completely in public opinion but it is a point of fact on which to place its claims.  That is why Dominion Voting Systems has levelled a $1.6 billion […]

Is An Apology Enough?

The owner of the ship that is blocking the Suez canal has apologized for the accident.  It may not be enough.  Ships are stacked in the waterway above and below the container vessel and world trade has been disrupted.  It might cost the Japanese owner millions in reparations if salvage companies can’t refloat the ship […]

Unforced Error

 AstraZeneca shot itself in the foot with an unforced error in reporting COVID vaccine data to health authorities.  It apparently cherry-picked results to make its vaccine look more effective than it is.  The National Institutes of Health came down hard and publicly on the company.  It created a breech of trust that will be hard […]

March Madness

The NCAA is guilty of running a two-track playoff system — one for men, which is worth billions and one for women, which is denied the March Madness logo and reaps no money at all for the teams.  One would think the NCAA would be a leader in equality for women and men.  But, no.  […]

Burning Out

Citizens of the world are burning out over COVID restrictions.  They want it to end, to take off masks, to go to restaurants and pubs again, to visit with friends without social distancing.  But the virus is tenacious and France once more has gone into lockdown.  Meanwhile, a senator is blistering Dr. Fauci over mask […]


Fads are tricky times of mass psychology affecting organizations and individuals.  One can ride them for momentary marketing and communications advantage but they come to an end soon enough.  Then, one is left with proceeding in relative obscurity where the company or individual had been before mass enthusiasm.  There is an investing fad now that […]


Environmental groups have filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission against oil giant Chevron.  They allege false advertising on Chevron’s part in its claims to be more responsible in climate control.  Chevron says their charge is frivolous.  The protestors assert that oil companies are engaged in greenwashing, making their products look friendlier to earth, air […]