Saturday January 4, 2025

NASA Publicity

 NASA has always been a savvy and creative agency of publicity.  Its primary mission in the 1960s and early 1970s was to reach the moon, a built-in publicity machine that turned into enduring PR when it brought the feat off.  It turns out more was happening on the space trips that is receiving attention now […]

Voting One’s Conscience

 Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney says she won’t resign her seat in spite of an overwhelming censure from her state’s Republican party.  She had the temerity to vote for former president Trump’s impeachment.  She said her position is one of conscience and that Trump violated the Constitution.  It makes no difference whether Cheney was right.  She […]

Thin Ice

 Early opinion polls focused on President Biden and the job he is doing are barely in the favorable category.  He receives approval from Democrats and Independents but negative reviews from Republicans.  With the Senate split evenly, Biden is on thin ice in getting his agenda through.  He will need all the negotiation and cross-aisle skills […]

Audience Of One

 In a faux democracy, there isn’t a diverse audience to persuade and to reconcile in legislative bill-passing.  The targeted group is but one — the military.  Or, at least that is the case in Myanmar where generals staged a coup yesterday and shut down the country by cutting communications, the internet and roadways.  The country’s […]

Power Of Publicity

 Captain Sir Tom Moore, the 100-year-old British activist, set out to complete laps in his garden with his walker in order to raise money for COVID relief.  His goal was 1,000 pounds.  But when his venture received publicity, he raised a total of 39 million pounds.  Sir Moore died ironically of COVID and has been […]

Side Step

 Former President Trump’s lawyers are planning to side step the issue of Trump’s involvement in the Jan.6 riot and to focus on the constitutionality of his impeachment trial.  It’s a long-standing ploy to ignore events and focus instead on the law.  The consensus now is that they will get away with it and Republicans won’t […]

Realty Intrudes

 When reality doesn’t go the way a fervent believer expects, it is time to buy into a new theory or to break away and see the world as it is.  That is what happened to this QAnon disciple.  She believed the conspiracies until their prediction that Biden wouldn’t be sworn in proved to be wrong.  […]