Thursday January 2, 2025

Conflicting Messages

 It is hard for  public health leaders in the US.  They repeat warnings about surviving COVID-19 while the President mocks the prophylactics of washing hands, wearing a mask and watching out for distancing from others.  Conflicting messages confuse citizens, especially those leaning toward ignoring the pandemic.  They point to Trump for support in going “naked.”  […]

Section 230

 Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protects Internet-based companies from claims they are throttling speech — a common complaint from conservatives.  The heads of Google, Facebook and Twitter are now in front of Congress and defending the law.  There is a move to rescind it and to place web-based content creators under the aegis […]

Coming Closer

 A new report shows a vaccine in development provides yearly protection against COVID-19 in both younger and older adults.  It raises hopes for a guard against the disease sooner rather than later.  And yet, it is still not quick enough for billions of people under threat.  The proper PR move for AstraZeneca is to state […]


 Tesla is allowing its car owners to beta test its Full Self Driving automation software/hardware.  It’s doing so with a warning that the package might fail at the worst time in the worst way.  This strikes one as inappropriate because drivers will ignore the caution and put their vehicles into harm’s way.  Automakers generally do […]

Et Tu, Papa?

 The pope is setting a bad example by not wearing his mask when dealing with bishops and others.  His critics have pounced.  It is poor leadership they say, and a sin.  The pope has given no reason for why he dispensed with a mask after using one earlier in liturgical services and after applying Italy’s […]


Coca Cola is killing off a “zombie” brand — the diet drink Tab.  Suddenly, fans have erupted from seeming nowhere and are bemoaning the coming death of the beverage on Dec. 31.  The company could ask where they were while Tab slid into obscurity.  One needs to be aware of nostalgia when making a product […]

How Many Times?

 How many times does a public health expert have to repeat the same message before the public listens and obeys?  Dr. Anthony Fauci is finding out.  He has preached about masking, social distancing and hand washing for months and still, millions of Americans refuse to do it.  Hence, the return of COVID-19 with new ferocity.  […]

Maybe Not.

 The World Health Organization has released a study that concludes Remdesivir and anti-malarial drugs are ineffective in treatment of COVID-19.  That comes after politicians and others hailed them as potential cures.  Science can be disappointing but it is better than faux treatments given to suffering patients.  Quackery has never disappeared, and there are even legitimate […]

Bad News, Good News

 The seemingly bad news that two COVID vaccine trials have been put on hold is actually good news, or so say medical experts who do drug development.  They say no trial runs completely smoothly.  There is always a glitch that might be due to a new drug and might not, but a pharma company needs […]

I Didn’t Say It

 Nothing hurts a contention more than one of its supposed proponents disavowing it.  Consider, for example, Dr. Anthony Fauci going public with a statement that his words in a Trump-for-President TV ad were taken out of context.  Fauci has more credibility in matters of the coronavirus than Trump, and Fauci says he never supported the […]