Saturday January 4, 2025

Publicity Or PR?

 Several major pharma companies are planning to publish a pledge that they will not release COVID vaccines unless they are proved scientifically potent and safe.  Only time will tell whether this is publicity or PR.  If publicity, they will bend to political pressure and say their vaccines are safe and effective.  If PR, they will […]

Without Shame

 President Trump is at it again with his suggestion that voters in North Carolina vote twice, once by mail and once at the polls.  He failed to account for the illegality of it and that it is a felony.  State officials quickly disabused citizens with statements that explained the criminality of the act.  One wonders […]


 Facebook has said it will not run new candidate political ads a week before the November election but it will allow them purchased before then even if they contain lies.  The company said reporters and others will have time to vet earlier ads but will not have space to handle new content.  The decision was […]


Makers of cleaning products are reaching out to food and lodging companies to promote their brands.  It’s a wise move in response to the pandemic.  Consumers see their labels in donut shops and are spurred to buy them in the grocery aisle because if it is good enough for the vendor, it is good enough […]


Saying one thing and doing another is poor PR and hypocrisy.  Many companies suffer from it, and high tech is now being called to task.  Silicon Valley has been male-dominated and overwhelmingly white.  Tech entrepreneurs think of themselves as diverse and equitable, but too often they are not.  It never occurs to them that dissident […]