Thursday January 2, 2025

Progressive Mendacity

President Trump is a Napoleon-wannabe from the Animal Farm, Orwell’s satirical novel from the 1940s.  His lies are progressive from declaring voting by mail to be rife with fraud to now positing that the election should be delayed until the polls are made secure and fair.  The big lie has a natural evolution to a […]

Poetic Justice

A Texas Congressman who vowed not to wear a mask — and didn’t — has tested positive for COVID-19.  It serves him right but what good is that to thousands of voters who followed his example?  Politicians, whether they like it or not, have a leadership role.  That he refused to wear a mask jeopardized […]

Trial By Fire

Jeff Bezos is getting his moment in the searing light of a Congressional hearing.  For his sake, he better hope he is ready.  Did he do a murder board with staff and lobbyists?  Did he prepare his initial statement carefully with the Congresspersons and the American public in mind?  Executives from the American tobacco and […]

On Notice

No company wants to receive a Wells Notice from the Security and Exchange Commission.  It is a statement of intent to conduct regulatory action against the business.  It is also a major PR and reputational challenge for the organization, and its stock will almost certainly take a hit as it did for Under Armor, the […]

When Will They Learn?

There is a type of executive who believes rules don’t apply to him.  And, it is a he rather than a she. Consider this case.  A president in charge of women’s magazines who degrades women in office situations.  Why hadn’t he been fired long ago?  There is an unspoken rule in such situations.  If a […]

Not True

Joe Biden has an excellent opportunity of becoming President according to the polls, but he does himself no favors when he makes this kind of statement publicly.  Biden helps no one, least of all himself, by stooping to the ad hominem invective of President Trump.  Biden’s PR strategy should be to stick to facts first.  […]


If there is little one can say, fear is a good motivator.  Create a scenario in which people are in peril unless they do something.  Thus, messages about wearing a mask and keeping social distance to prevent COVID-19.  But there is another kind of fear that is ginned up and irresponsible.  Politicians use it regularly.  […]

Too Cute

Trader Joe, the food retailer, has used lighthearted names for its international products for years.  Trader Jose for Mexican foods.  Trader Ming for Asian and Chinese fare.  Arabian Joe for still more products.  The company now admits its cute names are racist and will be phased out.  It was a good marketing tactic before increased […]

So Much For The Future

The Segway, the two-wheeled, self-balancing mobility of the future, has gone out of production.  So much for predictions of the future.  Rarely has an invention been introduced with greater hype.  It would change the world.  It would make cars redundant.  It solved transportation’s “last mile” problem.  It did none of those things and now it […]

Arranging Deck Chairs

The news that President Trump has hired a new campaign manager is arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.  His ship is sinking and it needs to plug the hole filling compartments.  Instead, Trump’s attention is on externals.  The problem with Trump’s desire for a second term is Trump himself.  He has been inconsistent, obdurate, fallacious […]