Saturday January 4, 2025


There are glimmers of the economy coming back to life and a V-shaped rather than U-shaped recovery.  What it might be is simple exhaustion with sheltering at home for so long.  The public is making up its own mind about the risk for coming down with COVID-19 in spite of scientists and medical cautions.  People […]

Backhanded Promotion

A group of Republicans opposed to President Trump created an online video ad named “Mourning in America.”  It was destined to go the way of most ads, overlooked and quickly irrelevant.  But, then, President Trump attacked it.  Suddenly, it went from a “couple of thousands views” to hundreds of thousands.  Trump’s backhanded swipe was just […]

Historic Change

As this article notes, candidates for public office did not always glad-hand voters and mix with the masses.  In the 19th Century and early 20th, they stayed home and their parties did outreach for them.  This year, in an historic shift, neither parties nor candidates are knocking on doors, passing out flyers, assembling rallies.  COVID-19 […]


Nothing can bollix a marketing program more quickly than indecision.  One starts, stops, redirects, starts again, gets lost in a sea of choices, flails again, renames, relaunches and on and on.  This is a perfect example of a company that can’t make up its mind.  Google has renamed, relaunched, pulled back and started again and […]