Friday January 10, 2025

Stating The Truth

Uber’s IPO sank as soon as it hit the market.  Uber’s CEO stated the truth about stock price in a masterful memo to employees.  He didn’t sugar-coat the need for company performance in order for the price to rise and recover.  He didn’t inveigh against the fickle nature of markets.  He said clearly and cogently […]

What Will It Take?

Carbon dioxide levels have reached levels unknown since the rise of humans, and there is only one epic, Pliocene, millions of years ago when it was equaled.  What will it take for humans to understand that global warming is real?  There are signs that Americans are coming around to accepting it in spite of its […]

Military PR

Can the business of death have PR value?  This weapon contains concern for civilians at the same time it is wiping out enemy fighters.  It is a step forward in killing combatants but not innocent men, women and children who happen to be near them.  Concern for civilians has been a sore point for the […]

Needed PR

The best kind of PR is that which you didn’t seek but got anyway for what you do.  Tesla has been criticized for its autopilot technology on its vehicles because it hasn’t worked in well-publicized crashes.  It must be heartening then for the company to get kudos from drivers who say the technology has saved […]

Losing The Base

What do you need to do in communications and marketing to solidify an eroding base? Prime Minister Theresa May is finding out.  She is losing her coterie of big donors over the gut-level fight of Brexit.  There is a strong need for backroom deal-making and arm twisting, but thus far nothing has worked and no […]

When Silence Isn’t Golden

NASA and SpaceX have clammed up.  They aren’t speaking about the failure of a manned-crew capsule, called Dragon, on a test stand.  Apparently, it blew up when its rockets fired.  No one was injured but the anomaly, as they are calling it, may have set back NASA’s plans for months for a crewed flight to the International […]

What’s In A Word?

If you Juul, are you not vaping nicotine?  Many teenagers think so in spite of the company’s prominent messages in its advertisements that its products contain the addictive chemical.  Apparently, teenagers do not equate Juuling with vaping.  That is why this year, pollsters will ask teens if they Jull to make sure they are getting […]


This article upholds the First Amendment privilege of comedians to roast the President of the United States.  It has long been a tradition at the White house correspondents’ dinner to launch jibes at the Chief in a spirit of fun and truth-telling.  Presidents have gamely put up with it until the current occupant of the […]

Robots And Humans

Amazon in its warehouses seems to have blended robots and humans and is holding people to machine standards.  If so, it is poor PR and is likely to end in union organizing.  Timing employees at their tasks is not new.  It was an essential part of scientific management at the turn of the 20th Century […]

Crisis Communications

The CEO of Boeing is engaged in crisis communications these days.  The money-maker for the company, the 737 Max, has turned into a dead loss.  He has little choice but to stand by the plane while investigations into its software continue and the company rolls out fixes.  It’s a tough position to be in.  Negative […]