Thursday January 2, 2025

Another Loss

First it was Comdex.  Now it is CeBIT.  Places for computer and software vendors to show their wares continue to disappear.  They are victims of declining attendance.  The huge crowds that used to show up have thinned.  One wonders why, and one answer is that they choked on their success.  They were overwhelming and one […]

Possible But Not Probable

The conflagrations of California with tens of thousands of structures burned has opened the question again of building for wildfires.  It is possible to design and construct a structure that won’t go up in flames, but there is little chance of that happening.  There are too many vested interests in traditional construction.  So, if houses are […]

A Thousand Words

The cliche that a picture is worth a thousand words proves true once again.  The photo of a barefoot, diapered toddler wailing as she flees from tear gas at the Mexican border has gone viral. It has provoked condemnation of the Trump administration and its hard-edged policies toward migrants.  It has given a hot issue […]

Step By Step

NASA has scheduled the first SpaceX flight with a Dragon crew capsule on board.  It is a test.  There will be no astronauts aboard.  The space agency is taking progress step by step, leaving little to chance.  When there are humans involved, there is little room for experiment.  NASA learned that lesson the hard way […]

Tragedy Of The Commons

One might think with the immensity of space there would be no tragedy of the commons where everyone uses orbital elevations and thereby wrecks them.  But, that is how experts are seeing an upcoming SpaceX launch with 64+ Cubesat satellites.  The charge is that SpaceX is cluttering the space commons.  It turns out there is […]

Future PR Crisis?

Pharmaceutical companies are going to Third World countries to test drugs.  Part of their protocol is to infect volunteers with a disease then test treatments on them.  So far, there have been no complaints from those who have been experimented on, and companies have been careful to explain to potential subjects the risks and rewards. […]


A company shouldn’t issue a threat lightly.  It draws a public line which cannot be crossed without jeopardizing the business’ credibility if it doesn’t act.  That is why this threat has implications for the EU.  If the Union imposes a link tax on Google news, the company says it might shut down the service to […]


Politics can be cynical and often are without a moral center. This is not the first time a bogeyman has been raised to boost an election, but it is so obvious Trump isn’t getting away with it.  He painted the migrant caravan as a monstrous, evil invasion of US territory.  He sent troops to protect the border.  […]


A pitiless human responsible for dozens of deaths and industrial-sized drug trafficking is petitioning a Federal court to be allowed to hug his wife. It seems he needs a little tenderness.  The court would be within its rights to deny the request.  The prisoner, notorious drug king, El Chapo, has escaped prison twice, and one […]

Puff Piece

It is not often one reads a puff piece for a hot dog stand.  Here’s one.  A celebrity chef has parked a cart outside an exclusive hotel on Manhattan’s upper east side.  He is selling $6 dogs with all the fixings.  The reporter liked the one he ate better than a $4 dog purchased from […]