Saturday January 4, 2025

Five Year Comeback

Few companies have to withstand a crisis that lasts five years, but that is what Seaworld has experienced.   Its visitor count collapsed when the company was under siege from activists who wanted Orca shows stopped.  Seaworld did end them and the Orca breeding program.  But, activists were not mollified and the public stopped coming.  It […]

Getting Tangled

Liars have a perennial problem — getting tangled in fabrications. They lie then lie again to cover the first lie and so forth.  The problem comes when someone documents their words and shows the inconsistencies.  Consider this example.  President Trump lied about his son’s meeting with the Russians.  Then, when caught out, he lied again […]


It takes a great deal for one’s mind to begin to comprehend a trillion.  The number is so large it is unimaginable.  The figure belongs to government debt or to data stored on computers.  The news that Apple is now valued at a trillion dollars is mind-boggling.  Its size and wealth are beyond any other […]


One nightmare for executives is to be trapped by crises not of their own making and that come out of seeming nowhere.  For example, like this one.  Cardinal Kevin Farrell, head of the Vatican’s family and laity office, once served under a formal cardinal in Washington DC who stands accused of sexual abuse of young men.  […]

Can’t Get It Right

Chipotle Mexican Grill is snakebit.  Yet another restaurant has had to go offline from food-borne illness.  This time under the chain’s new CEO.  For some reason, Chipotles nationwide have suffered from poisoning outbreaks.  The firm has changed its sourcing, logistics and cleanliness practices but to little avail.  It just can’t get it right and the […]