Saturday January 4, 2025


Xerox, the once powerful and now forlorn, office equipment powerhouse is dangling with an uncertain future.  It just called off its merger with Fujifilm under pressure from activist investors.  It is replacing its CEO and making changes to the board of directors.  Xerox’s customers and employees are facing fear of the future.  There is little […]

One Step Forward, One Backward

Google is contending with a PR problem surrounding its artificial intelligence voice.  It is so good critics are condemning it as a violation of ethics and trust.  The company unveiled the “voice” at its annual I/O conference and the audience cheered.  Those who fear AI immediately criticized the natural delivery as too good. There is no […]

Tough Customer Relations

What could be worse than to be on the receiving end of a customer Twitter stream in a faltering organization?  That is the fate of customer relations representatives who serve the New York City subways and its decrepit system.  They are in a no-win situation.  The subways are decades past upgrading their signals.  Stations are […]

Transparency – Sooner Or Later

One wonders whether government officials understand transparency.  They try to hide intents only to have them discovered through the Freedom of Information Act.  That is what happened to EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt.  He tried to bamboozle the media by restricting public appearances and orchestrating events for the reason of security.  Some 10,000 e-mails disgorged through […]

Rat Poison

With this kind of negative publicity for Bitcoin, how can it survive?  Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger have been negative about cryptocurrency for a long time.  Calling it names is the latest in their barrage of blunt remarks.  Despite enthusiasts who defend Bitcoin, the two men have a point.  There is no intrinsic value to the […]

Wearing Out His Welcome

Elon Musk is wearing out his stature with investment analysts and the public.  He insulted them on an earnings call and generated numerous stories about it.  For example, here and here.  He has been living a charmed life.  Few entrepreneurs have been given the slack that he has to lose billions while pursuing an electric vehicle.  […]

Image Problem

Vancouver, Seattle and Portland have an image problem.  The three cities are overrun with homeless men and women who reside on the streets because the weather tends to be mild.  The three towns want to project a forward-moving economy, but it is hard when people congregate on sidewalks,in alleyways, under bridges and in parks.  Portland […]