Saturday January 4, 2025

PR For Tax Law

Walmart has delivered some good PR for the new tax law by raising salaries and giving bonuses to its million-plus workers.  It almost offsets the announcement that it is closing up to 65 Sam’s Club stores that no longer fit its strategic direction.  Walmart’s decision to reward its employees puts pressure on other US companies that […]

High Risk, High Reward

On rare occasions, a company has a chance to take a high risk with the prospect of a high reward.  This is one.  No one yet has found traces of the Malaysian airliner that vanished in March 2014.  Theories abound.  Ships crisscrossed thousands of square miles of open ocean looking for wreckage.  So far, they have […]


How does one fight a rumor when information is classified?  This is the case that SpaceX is in.    There is a belief that its rocket failed with a secret load called Zuma on board.  SpaceX has said its rocket did everything it was supposed to do, but it can’t answer whether the mission succeeded or […]


How can a mistake like this slip though a marketer’s control?  It is hard to believe the error was intentional.  What this says is that H&M needs a person with an understanding of diversity to review its images before they are made public.  Apparently no one thought too much about it — not the photographer, […]


Blockchain has become a buzzword in the world of finance and mercantilism.  One company even changed its name to include blockchain in a cynical move to boost its stock price.  (It worked.)  The problem with the technology is that no one really knows what it is.  They are caught up in the mania of Bitcoin, which […]

Doesn’t Get It

This is proof that President Trump doesn’t understand the First Amendment and the publisher of a critical work about him does.  Kudos to the publisher for advancing the publishing date.  Trump has only guaranteed more sales of the volume with his blast at the author.  Trump’s threat to sue would be laughed out of court.  […]


This is the latest panacea gullible citizens have taken up.  One wonders how credulous people can be, but then it has always been that way long before medicine men toured towns and villages selling quack remedies.  The mystifying part of the craze is that well educated people are engaging in it.  It seems their university degrees […]


While legal marijuana is earning some respect after decades of prosecution, it is also changing the way the plant is grown and harvested. Small producers are being squeezed out and large ones are consolidating the market.  There is a wide variety of products offered for sale, more than a small farm can create. It wasn’t […]