Saturday January 4, 2025

Why Regulators Are Needed

The argument that markets should be free and unregulated has never been true.  Human behavior is not always honest.  Consider cryptocurrency.  It still is an open and wild marketplace where scams and schemes are prevalent.  For digital coinage to be of general use, it will need to be regulated and cheaters controlled. So too with […]

Lost Reputation

When one loses his reputation, people abandon him — even if he is on the cusp of victory.  That is the case here.  Five women have now come forward and claimed that Roy Moore, the Republican Senate candidate from Alabama, had molested them as teenagers.  Moore is refusing to leave the race even though Republican […]

Cue The Lawyers

AT&T”s CEO has publicity stated he will fight the Justice Department if it tries to get him to spin off CNN before merging with Time Warner.  This sounds like a legal, lobbyist and PR full employment move.  AT&T needs to gain high ground in public and legal opinion and do so quickly.  Thus, President Trump’s […]

Acid Test

Waymo, the Google company, is putting its reputation on the line with the announcement that it will send out driverless vans in Arizona as an acid test of its technology. The company has been working toward this day for more than 10 years.  Now that it is here, there are still unanswered questions beyond the […]

Dumb PR

The Walt Disney Cos. are masters of marketing PR.  That is why this is so dumb.  No one wins when an organization tries to blackball the press. Certainly, Disney did not in this case, and it is unlikely to do so in the future.  File this one under “What were they thinking.”  If the company […]


The leak of a trove of papers from a law firm is revealing the extent of finagling that corporations do to avoid taxation.  Apple, it turns out, is a skilled practitioner in avoiding taxes.  It shielded hundreds of billions of dollars from its overseas accounts through domiciling on an island with 0 corporate taxation.  Apple […]

Company Town

When a business is the largest in a city and employs a significant number of its citizens, it becomes a company town.  Anaheim, CA is one such instance with the presence in its borders of Disneyland.  Anaheim has extended tax breaks for Disneyland in the millions and built a vast parking garage for visitors.  Now, […]

Continuous Crisis

The large social media and tech firms are facing a continuous crisis with Russia meddling in US elections.  If they shut one door to interference, hackers will find another to penetrate.  Added to these problems is the role model Russia has become.  That is, if Russia can intrude, why not another country or political entity?  […]

Airline Ranking

A ranking of the top 10 world airlines has come out and there is not a single American carrier on it.  That isn’t good for reputation or for PR.  The reason for their absence is well known.  They cram customers into their planes like cattle into a car.  They have done away with amenities that […]

Technology And Marketing

Waymo, the Google subsidiary, is proving it has developed a completely self-driving car.  The company has just held a journalist’s field day at its test facility in Central California.  What Waymo hasn’t proven yet is that it can sell the software and hardware necessary for an autonomous vehicle.  Its technology is ahead of the marketing.  […]