Saturday January 4, 2025

Hollow Victory

The Iraqis have retaken Mosul from ISIS.  The town is a wreck. Its citizens are either in resettlement camps or picking through ruins for anything to eat.  It is already well understood that the military victory will be hollow unless the town is rebuilt and its citizens resettled within. Public relations is a bulldozer and […]

Drip, Drip

Nothing is worse from a publicity perspective than a negative story that keeps expanding drip by drip.  Just when one thinks he has gotten ahead of the news curve, another story appears that adds new, damning facts and reignites the media.  This is the position that the President is in with the claims of Russian […]


Wolfram, the software company that makes the powerful equation solver, Mathematica, has a potential PR crisis on its hands.  The company has an AI-enabled web site called Alpha.  The site solves mathematical problems step by step.  Students have been using the site to do their homework.  Because they are copying symbol for symbol onto their […]

In Your Face

North Korea knows how to be belligerent.  Its diplomatic relations is “in your face.”  The government there already has South Korea and the US in a press from which there are few good options for escape. Negotiations don’t work.  Sanctions have failed. The Chinese are not helping. Military activity threatens an all-out war on the […]