Thursday January 2, 2025

Evil Influence

If true, this is an evil way to influence public opinion.  There is no way of knowing at this juncture whether the investigation into the air strike is accurate. The evidence points to intentional murder of 100 civilians at the hands of ISIS through luring an airstrike on a booby-trapped building.  There is no reasoning […]

Outpacing The Customer

Customers have a direct way of managing their relationships with a company.  If they don’t like it, they stop coming.  The business in turn must modify its behavior or fail.  Here is an example of a vendor taking a wrong turn and suffering the result.  J.Crew raised prices just at a time when customers were […]

Publicity Coup Again

Google made international headlines last year when its artificial intelligence computer beat a Korean Go master in a series of games.  It was a publicity coup.  Google is at it again with a series of three games between the AI machine and the top-ranked Go player of the world.  It has already won the first […]


My daughter graduated from college on Sunday and all the ancient symbols and ceremony were in full display from the grand marshall who led the celebrants in to commencement speeches and awarding of honorary doctorates.  The occasion was meant to mark a milestone in a young person’s life — the end of formal education unless […]

Robots And PR

Robot makers who are using the streets of San Francisco to deliver meals have a PR challenge.  The city wants to ban them.  There is a fear that the machines will run over people rather than avoiding them.  What Marble, the maker, must do now is to defuse the concerns of a city supervisor.  The […]

Poor PR – 19th Century

English railroads in the 1800s had a PR challenge — railroad madness.  Victorians thought the sound and motion of a train caused men to become lunatics.  There were several reported incidents to back their thinking.  There wasn’t much a railroad company could do about it.  Modern psychology and psychiatry had yet to be discovered.  So, […]


This article is a cautionary argument that Apple won’t stay on top of the electronics market forever.  The thesis is that no company has done it before, and there is no reason to believe  Apple can break the pattern.  Apple has passed $800 billion in market value, a dizzying height from which a fall would […]

Tidal Wave

A tidal wave rolls onto land then recedes leaving wreckage.  This tidal wave is surging again and again and the retail industry is helpless to stop it.  The public has been well trained by Amazon and other online vendors to look first to the internet.  As a result, store owners are looking at their market […]

PR And Dictatorships

Dictators don’t listen to citizens.  Rather, they tell their publics what to think and do.  In an era of democracy, it is harder to be a sole power but not impossible.  There is Erdogan of Turkey, Maduro of Venezuela, Kim Jong un of North Korea and several more authoritarians on the world scene.  They have stifled opposition […]

Open Season

A gate agent is the point of contact between an airline and customers, and it seems that an open season has been declared to rough them up.  It makes little difference that agents might merit some pushback for unreasonable behavior. When pilots strike, agents take the brunt of protest.  When there is an altercation over […]