Saturday January 4, 2025


Give Burger King points for a clever way to promote its Whopper hamburger sandwich.  As you can see, BK employs Google to explain the make-up of its product.  Google is not amused and has put a stop to it, but the publicity value for BK far exceeds the initial reach for the ad.  It is […]

Story Stock

Sometimes a stock with a good story will be valued more highly than traditional competitors.  Consider Tesla.  Investors have pushed its worth higher than Ford and nearly the equal of General Motors.  Yet, Tesla lost $674 million last year while GM made $9.4 billion.  PR practitioners should be skeptical of such enthusiasm for a company. […]

Medicine Men

In the 19th and early 20th Century, medicine men selling potions made their rounds of large towns and small.  It made no matter to them that their cures were fake as long as a gullible public would buy.  That same fraud and naive public continue to exist today in the supplement industry.  There are good manufacturers and […]

PR And Typefaces

How do you invent a typeface that looks the same in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, English, Cyrillic and Greek?  Google and Adobe have done it with the help of a number of type foundries.  What’s more, the developers have open-sourced the typeface for others to use.  That means multi-lingual web pages can look like they are […]


The Los Angeles Times has torn into President Trump for Trump’s habit of lying.  The editorial is devastating and one wonders how anyone could recover from its words.  Trump probably won’t worry about it.  He doesn’t care.  The editorial posits that Trump lies so frequently he hasn’t a grasp on what is the truth.  If […]

Proof Of Performance

It is easy to talk about difficult feats.  Doing them is proof of performance and at the core of public relations.  This is an example of walking the talk.  Never before has a company or space agency flown a second-hand booster into space and then recovered it for use again.  It promises to slash the […]