Thursday January 2, 2025

When It All Goes Bad, cont.

When an organization has bad luck, it sometimes can’t get away from negative reports.  United, still reeling from pulling a passenger off one of its planes, now has to deal with killing a giant rabbit on one of its flights.  Ordinarily a story like that would barely get a mention, but United is in the […]

A PR Test

Google’s Waymo is finally offering test rides in a real world environment — Phoenix, AZ.  It is taking applications from citizens now for travel in its self-driving vans (that will still have an attendant sitting by the steering wheel.)  The experiment is both a final step before the technology hits the road for everyday  use […]

Wages Of Failure

CEOs have a PR problem and it stems from their compensation. Even if they fail in their jobs, they are rewarded, sometimes excessively.  Consider these wages of failure.  For being unable to turn a company around, the CEO walks away with $186 million.  Compensation consultants will argue that the amount includes her stock holdings, but […]

Cute Science Publicity

This is a cute event — racing nano-vehicles under the gaze of a scanning tunneling microscope.  Who says science can’t be fun and educational?  The molecular “cars” will be pushed along a gold track by pulses of electricity and eventually, one molecule will win.  That the size of the things is less than one thousandth […]

What People Don’t See

It has been a long-standing truism that what people don’t see, they don’t care about.  That is especially true of most of the features of first-world culture.  One of those is the cell phone that comes from mammoth factories in China where workers are treated like mindless robots.  One can only imagine the boredom of […]

With Press Like This…

No one wants a review like this one.  The reporter goes out of her way to reach for the most toxic terms she can find to damn Starbucks’ Unicorn Frappuccino.  There is nothing PR can do in a case like this.  It is hunker and let it pass.  Starbucks’ revenge will be to sell out […]

Can’t Shoot Straight

After the dramatic White House announcement that the US was sending a carrier to the coast of North Korea, we learned that the Carl Vinson was steaming off Australia, thousands of miles from its supposed destination.  This was apparently not the Trump Administration’s fault.  There were bungles in the military chain of command.  Still it […]

Kick ‘em

One tradition in the media is regrettable, and that is the habit of tarring individuals after they have experienced a loss.  Here is an example.  Hillary Clinton lost the election, and now a book proclaims it was all her fault.  There might have been culpability on her part, but did the authors need to kick her […]

A PR Failure

It turns out that against all advice and counsel a huge percentage of people use their cell phones while driving.  Despite warnings against distracted driving, they continue to dial and chat.  The urge to communicate has overpowered common sense even among those who know better.  This is a PR challenge of major proportions.  It is […]

Killing Credibility

Some of the toughest PR problems occur when a company has not been transparent.  Consider this case.  St. Jude Medical did not reveal that battery failures affected some of its defibrillators and had caused at least one death.  The company hid the fact from its medical advisory board and from medical management as well.  St. Jude […]