Thursday January 2, 2025

Space War

Among scientists there is a war of ideas.  Should man return and colonize the moon or reach for astronauts on Mars?  There are arguments for both sides and it has become a PR battle — who can be the most persuasive to target audiences.  In this case the message recipients are Congress and the White […]

Cool Toys

NASA has a built-in publicity advantage over other government agencies or commercial businesses.  It has the cool toys every journalist wants to play with.  The systems and training devices the space agency has developed for its astronauts are fun to experience, and reporters line up for a chance to try them out.  NASA is only too […]

PR And Online Retailing

This fast-growing internet store has discovered a secret to online retailing — deep customer involvement.  It goes beyond feedback and ratings in and rewards customers for participation. The site has online contests, comments on items the company is considering selling and online photos of customers with the distinctive company bag in hand.  The site […]

Fighting Propaganda

Little Estonia is giving a lesson to the world on how to fight propaganda.– fake news coming from Russia.  The country quickly checks Russian news stories then debunks them if they are untrue.  Estonia’s media will not interview Russian politicos because they know that a story is already written.  The country maintains vigilance and acts […]

Science Crisis

There is a PR crisis in science.  It has to do with publishing.  There is now an abundance of fraudulent science journals on the market.  They are pay-to-play, charging scientists for getting their papers printed.  They are not peer-reviewed.  They have no credibility to the knowledgeable, and they are a trap for the less aware. […]

Apologies And Technology

Google is apologizing to advertisers for placing ads next to hate speech and other offensive material on the web.  It is important for the company to get ad placement right because most of its income and earnings comes from advertising.  Saying I’m sorry will not be enough, however.  Google has to police the web and to […]

It Takes A Pope

Sometimes it takes a pope to say, “I’m sorry.”  That is the case with the Rwandan genocide of 1994.  Some Roman Catholic priests took part in the murder of Tutsis and moderate Hutus during an ethnic uprising that claimed 800,000 lives in three months.  It was a savage bloodletting for which the bishops of the […]


Sometimes the best of intentions are misguided.  One overlooks a critical part of a program and it bites.  Consider this case of a philanthropic PR campaign.  Cheerios is giving away packets of wildflower seeds to help sustain the bee population, which has been decimated by Colony Collapse Disorder.  There are problems with that, however.  In some […]

A Wink And Nod

One government lie of the modern era involves flood insurance. Federal bureaucrats are using outdated flood zone maps that give a break to homeowners who otherwise would be forced to get flood coverage.  This puts the program on rickety legs because inevitably massive flooding will hit zones where homeowners are under-insured.  It happened already in […]

Positive Employee Publicity

Recognizing employees for their work is always good publicity and smart PR.  Consider this case.  A McDonald’s restaurant worker went above and beyond the call of duty and saved a disabled passenger in her SUV.  The company is proud of him and the standard of customer care he delivered.  So, it publicized his action, and […]