Saturday January 4, 2025

Conflict Of Interest

This event was a conflict of interest.  You are not supposed to shill for private business while serving in the White House.  Why Kellyanne Conway did it is a question in itself.  Ivanka Trump’s fashion line has been taking hits as one department store after another has dropped the line.  President Trump weighed in about […]

Fake News

A lie repeated often enough becomes fact.  That is the tactic of the White House administration.  Calling the traditional media “fake news” will convince some of the public that reporters lie regularly and should be discredited. The White House wants the media to report positively on its actions and will attack anyone who doesn’t. Journalists should be […]

A Shame On Both Sides

The media are blasting the Trump administration for relying on “alternative facts.”  But what makes this any different?  Buzzfeed rushed to publish unconfirmed documents alleging misbehavior on the part of Trump.  Buzzfeed went on to defend its actions but was roundly criticized by members of the traditional media.  Publications of alt-facts from either side don’t […]

Rookie Error

84 Lumber, a materials business, ran a spot during the Super Bowl that invited viewers to its online site for the conclusion of the ad.  The site was overwhelmed with a deluge of viewers.  Within one minute of the ad’s appearance, the company received 300,000 hits to its web site,  twice the site’s capacity to […]

“Jess Bidness”

Nordstrom cancelled Ivanka Trump’s fashion brand from its lineup and said it was purely a business decision.  Maybe so, but it also spared the retailing chain from boycotts and agitators opposed to the Trumps.  One is hard put to believe that this thought was not part of the consideration when the decision was made.  There is […]


Now is a time for moral courage among America’s CEOs.  Do they have the will to speak out against the White House travel ban or will they duck the issue?  It is not a simple case for them.  They are beholden to boards and shareholders who might not like to see them taking a public […]