Thursday January 2, 2025

Bottom Feeding

Americans were supposed to be freed of intrusions on their privacy from unwanted and unsolicited phone calls.  It turns out that the DO NOT CALL list doesn’t work well. An operator can get a fine but no one has gone to prison.  Why do companies persist in making these calls when most recipients are angry about […]

The Limits of PR

After 50 years and billions spent to wean Americans from tobacco, a recent study shows that 1 in 4 citizens still use some form of the plant.  Cigarette smoking has declined but the use of e-cigarettes has skyrocketed.  This shows the limits of PR.  People can be persuaded to go only so far before they […]

Civility And Trump

Here is an opinion piece that PR practitioners should read.  It posits a fact that one cannot outdo President Trump with invective without lowering oneself to his standards and giving him fodder for reprisal.  Rather, critics should remain civil and rebut his assertions with reasonable discourse.  There is no satisfaction in calling him a liar, […]

Staying The Course

California is having a wet year after five years of drought.  Reservoirs are full. The snow pack in the high Sierras is 10 feet deep.  Rivers are flowing again.  There is a temptation among its citizens to go back to watering their lawns, taking long showers and otherwise wasting the resource.  Now is the time […]

Too Big To Succeed?

In the finance world, banks might be “too big to fail.”  In the electronics market, the opposite might be the case.  At least that might be the situation in which Samsung finds itself.  Its top-down and harsh culture was part of the spectacular failure of its mobile phone, the Galaxy Note 7.  Its mobile chief […]

Power Corrupts Perspective

Those who are hoping Donald Trump will become a different, more inclusive President are likely to be disappointed, according to behavioral research..  The article states the situation clearly: “Power reveals individuals’ true intentions and leads to them being less willing to take others’ perspectives.”If Trump is close minded now, he is likely to remain that way […]

Shareholder Value

This is worth reading in its entirety.  The author defines six modes of shareholder value that a company can take.  The first, corporate fundamentalists want to boost profits and share price immediately.  Nothing can sway them from the goal.  The second are corporate toilers who want to boost share price but are more patient about […]

A Future Technology?

Three D movies and broadcasting always seems to be a future technology.  The industry tried again last year to sell 3D TV sets but once again failed in the attempt.  Although some movies are coming out in 3D, the movie industry has not adopted it on a major scale.  There are reasons why.  People don’t […]

New Industry, New PR

The stodgy auto industry is becoming new with the advent of driverless vehicles.  Old habits are being shucked for collaborations with tech companies that have the software and hardware for autonomous cars and trucks.  This will necessitate a change in PR for  manufacturers and marketers who have for more than 100 years touted the pleasures […]


To attack a much-honored civil rights leader because you don’t like what he said about you is incorrigible.  Yet, that is what President-elect Trump did on Twitter.  He has no shame nor any sense of PR.  He thrives on publicity, which he demands to be positive about him.  Anyone who would dare criticized him for […]