Saturday January 4, 2025

Abusing Customers

Airlines today are in a curious marketing position.  They are seeing how far they can abuse their customers and get away with it.  How else can one explain United Airline’s decision to charge for overhead bin space on its planes?  Flying has become an exercise in discomfort unless one is willing to pony up extra […]

Curious Metric

The “Waffle House Index” is a curious metric of hurricane severity.  Waffle House is a chain of restaurants in the southeastern section of the US that stays open 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.  Its executives gauge the severity of storms before landfall and announce which ones will close for the duration, if […]

Bold PR

Google has announced that in 2017 100 percent of its power needs will come from renewable  sources — wind and solar.  That might not seem to be much but the size of the commitment comes into focus when one reads that Google is purchasing 2.6 gigawatts of power a year.  That’s enough to keep a […]


We have entered a time when politicians lie without being condemned.  It is an era of post-truth.  For many reasons, PR practitioners should be concerned and frightened.  We depend on accuracy to maintain credibility, but when others prevaricate without being called for it, it puts us in jeopardy.  The truth might not be as forceful […]

Cooperation And Crime

It took four years and the cooperation of dozens of law enforcement agencies to bring down an international computer crime ring.  The malefactors had victimized people in 180 countries and reaped hundreds of millions of dollars by one estimate.  This take-down has a lesson in it for the legal community and that is the need […]

PR And Earthquakes

Oil exploration companies have pumped wastewater into deep wells in order to dispose of it.  This has caused earthquakes in states like Oklahoma and Kansas.  The tremors were not large but they were frequent and they did damage to buildings.  Once Oklahoma and Kansas put regulations on wastewater disposal, the quakes began to drop.  While correlation […]

To Mars, To Mars

NASA and rocket vendors like SpaceX are beating publicity drums for travel to Mars.  Never mind colonizing the moon.  What America needs is an 18-month round trip to the red planet.  The problem with the hype is that it ignores mental and physical challenges, such as astronauts losing vision during extended periods in space.  The […]