Thursday January 2, 2025

Until Jan. 3

I’m taking a vacation until Jan. 3.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.   Tweet This Post

An Odd PR Crisis

It is safe to say that Ikea, the furniture and home furnishing store, is the only chain in the world having this problem.  Teenagers infiltrating its stores and conducting overnight sleepovers is an odd PR crisis.  Any number of things can happen and none are good.  The chain is right in trying to end the […]

PR And The Past

New York Life, Georgetown University, Volkswagen are but three of several institutions grappling with their history.  New York Life revealed that it wrote insurance policies on slaves as property.  Georgetown learned that its founding fathers had slaves that they sold to keep the young college afloat.  Volkswagen dealt with the use of slave labor in […]


Do people pay attention to what a CEO posts on a blog?  Yes, they do.  Tim Cook’s blog entry for employees at Apple sparked media discussion.  The journalist’s story projected the messages farther than the original target.  And, it lent additional credibility to the posting by affirming what the CEO wrote.  Often, CEOs feel they […]

An Act Of War

Islamic terrorists are daring the Russian government to get into a pitched battle with them — and they have succeeded by killing its ambassador to Turkey.  The shooting was an act of war — a public statement of enmity, a challenge.  Putin will almost certainly not back down from the punch in the gut.  The […]

PR And Fake News

Facebook is undertaking a campaign to combat fake news.  It is a belated recognition that false stories on its web site were influencing people in negative ways.  Some commentators accused Facebook of throwing the election to Donald Trump because it had not policed fake news to that point.  Facebook understandably rejected that claim but it […]

Nurture V. Management

This is an interesting essay about women in management.  Essentially, the author says that most women choose the “Mommy TracK” rather than the corporate management ladder. Professional women are beating the publicity drums for more women to stay in the company environment, but they are having a tough time getting colleagues to listen.  What the […]

Public Insulation

President-elect Donald Trump wants to slash the F-35 fighter program because its cost over-runs were out of control.  Chances are he won’t succeed even though the fighters cost $100 million each.  Why?  Because Lockheed Martin, the builder of the aircraft, has carefully spread work across many Congressional districts and insulated itself from public criticism.  No […]


How does an organization fight anonymous complaints about it?  Consider this case of attempted suicide at Amazon.  The company said nothing about it and that upset anonymous commenters in its workforce.  Even if Amazon had done so, it was open to criticism over its Performance Improvement Plan, which puts stress on its employees.  Amazon ignored […]

Bending Facts

It is rarely good for a start-up company to bend facts about its technology.  That, however, is the case with Magic Leap, an augmented reality business that purports to have artificial images blend with real-life.  Think of a tiny elephant being held in the palm of one’s hand.  Magic Leap is apparently behind in developing […]