Saturday January 4, 2025


Pokemon Go is sweeping the nation and millions are playing the game in just eight days since it has been released.  The game and public reaction have all the hallmarks of a fad.  Fads usually come and go fairly quickly.  The public embraces a consumer offering en masse then tires of it and moves on.  In this […]

Perception V. Reality

There are places in the US where unemployment seems embedded, but the reality is that the idle choose not to take available jobs  – like lawn mowing.  That work is reserved for immigrants who don’t mind doing it.  Where I live, nearly all landscapers are Italian but the workforce is Hispanic — day laborers who […]

Dead Company Walking

Here is a zombie company whose death is weeks away, if not days.  The company was built on fraud and its misdeeds caught up with it.  The heart of the company was a hagiographic publicity campaign focused on its magnetic CEO, Elizabeth Holmes.  When the facade cracked, the ugly truth spilled out to smear not only her […]

The Washington Monument Ploy

Legislators in New Jersey haven’t come to an agreement to raise the fuel tax in order to pay for road and bridge repair.  In response to inaction, the governor has shut down all non-essential road and bridge projects in the state.  There are hundreds of them.  This is an old political and negotiation tactic, which […]

Slap On The Wrist

Hillary Clinton received a slap on the wrist from the FBI yesterday but no recommendation of charges against her for her misuse of an e-mail server.  This fed immediately into a campaign message from Trump that the system “is rigged.”   Make no mistake.  The public will be tired of hearing about Hillary’s carelessness soon enough […]


In Washington DC political circles, perception is called optics, and this is a case in which the optics were bad.  Former president Bill Clinton visited the Attorney General of the US while waiting in their planes on the tarmac at the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport.  The visit was described as friendly with no discussion of […]