Thursday January 2, 2025

Merger Gone Bad

Most mergers fail, studies have shown.  This one started with high hopes, in-depth planning and crashed against the reality of combining two airline companies.  It is symptomatic of a merger gone bad that flight attendants have spent nearly six years working under two contracts — one from United and the other from Continental.  The chaos […]

IoT And Communications

Everyone in the tech world is talking about the Internet of Things — how it is going to simplify life, expand control of the home and make daily living easier.  The key is convenience.  Consumers will adopt IoT if it is easy to start and maintain. That is what it isn’t at the present time.  Every manufacturer […]

PR And No Future

How do you motivate employees when your company has no future?  This is the task facing Takata, the manufacturer of millions of faulty air bags.  Takata is now working for consumers who need replacement parts.  It is not selling many air bags for new installs.  There is a strong possibility that the company will go […]

Dealing With The Fallout

Communications are essential when dealing with the fallout of a crisis.  That is why the British government is appealing for calm.  There is little that can be done physically while the country breaks away from the EU, so the best thing to do is to carry on as normally as possible.  The exit will not […]

Where To Begin

On rare occasions the news is so startling that one is at a loss on where to begin comments.  This morning is one of those.  There is the Supreme Court decision on immigration yesterday that struck down President Obama’s executive order and at the same time, there is Britain voting itself out of the European Union last night leading […]

Employee Damage

This is an example of the immense damage a single employee can do to a company. One disaffected worker ruined 27 tons of chicken.  The size of the damage is understandable when one considers what one chicken weighs — about five pounds.  This person ruined the product of several giant chicken houses.  The article doesn’t […]


A major tech company — 105 years old — is seeking to reinvent itself.  What else can the company be but IBM?  IBM has changed constantly since the days of the mechanical tabulating machine.  It has been in and out of numerous businesses, and it is in the process again of changing the corporate DNA. […]

Unusual Crisis

The communications director for the Disney Grand Floridian Resort and Spa must have been shocked by the news that a two-year-old boy was attacked by an alligator on the property and dragged to his death in a lagoon.  How does one prepare for an unusual crisis such as this?  The family assumed, as they should […]


Taxes and tax payments are topics rife with political cant and popular mythology.  As such, they are issues that are ideal for public relations — i.e. getting the facts out about taxation.  That is what this study from the Congressional Budget Office tries to do.  It clears the air about who is paying more for […]

Perverse PR

The slaughter in Orlando was the occasion of perverse PR when the shooter claimed to be in sympathy with ISIS.  Whether or not he had ever been in touch with the terrorist group, his statement was a pledge of allegiance to savages who use any method of pain and killing to get their way.  One can […]