Thursday January 2, 2025

Maintenance And PR

Subway systems in Washington DC, New York and Boston are in trouble due to deferred maintenance.  Problems are affecting riders, and PR has turned bad.  Managers should have known that repairs made as needed were the better way to operate than waiting until a line had to be shut temporarily.  In fact, they did know, […]

When PR Turns Bad

Marissa Mayer took over as the CEO of Yahoo with a promise to turn it around.  The media adored her and gave her heaps of positive ink.  Now, four years later, the press is ugly and she is widely being touted as not up to the job.  It is a hard come-down for her, but […]


From everyone’s favorite TV father to an aged, bleary-eyed sexual predator, it has been quite a come-down for Bill Cosby.  It is also a prime example of the power of perception.  The public projected onto the man the wise father act that he delivered on TV.  There was nothing at the time to gainsay the […]

Get What You Paid For?

When one commands $285,000 a speech, he must be a great rhetorician or perceived to be one at the nexus of power.  That is what former president Bill Clinton is charging and people are happy to pay.  He has earned millions since he left office. He is an expert at the art of public speaking, […]


When a country is in free-fall and the leader is acting like a dictator, the use of power can be a distraction from daily living.  This is the case in Venezuela.  President Maduro has ordered military exercises rather than fix the economy, and there can be no doubt that he is also threatening the opposition […]

Too Much Of A Good Thing

Conservationists in Northern Europe are facing a dilemma.  Their efforts to save the white-tailed eagle has been successful, perhaps too much so.  The eagles are now preying on other species of endangered birds.  This has raised the distasteful suggestion that the eagles need culling.  As one might expect that could lead to a PR disaster […]

When A Lie Becomes Fact – 2

It seems both the Democratic and Republican parties have presidential candidates who are twisting truth to make a fact out of a lie.  Now it is Hillary Clinton’s turn.  She is insisting that using a private e-mail server for her correspondence when secretary of state was allowed under the law.  As finds it, that […]

Sad Propaganda

Propaganda to have any effect needs to have some seeds of credibility.  That is why this North Korean propaganda is so sad.  The tour leaders of the infant hospital could not hide that everything was dated and exposed nevertheless for a media show.  The effect is of propaganda that is cynical self-delusion on the part […]

The Public In PR

Public relations recognizes that the public decides on the reputation and validity of individuals and businesses.  That is why this failed experiment was an act of public relations.  Joe’s Crab Shack tried to do away with tipping but the public would not go along. The reason for the failure is partially due to a mistrust […]

Green And Not Green

The ecologically conscious citizen wants an electric car in order to stop polluting the atmosphere.  But, it turns out that not all battery-powered vehicles are clean.  In fact, some are no better than a gas engine.  How can this be?  The source of electricity to recharge the car’s batteries has to be taken into account. […]