Saturday September 7, 2024

Science Vs. Perception

In a court of law, perception can overcome science.  What is unsettled in the investigation community becomes a judgement resting on the slimmest pretexts of fact.  Consider this case.  There is no definitive proof that talc-based baby powders cause cancer, but a jury thought so and awarded $72 million to a family whose mother had […]

Change And PR

When a company makes a change that affects customers, it should do so with care and communicate often and clearly why it is doing so.  This is why Starbucks shift in its customer awards program might not be going so well.  The company has moved from rewarding frequent customers to rewarding customers who purchase more […]

More Trouble

As if Uber didn’t have enough PR problems with governments trying to close it down, the shooting in Kalamazoo focused concern on its driver vetting. Add to that a revolt among its drivers who are trying to build their own application rather than use Uber.  The company is beset by troubles brought on by rapid expansion […]

Money Doesn’t Always Talk

The demise of the Bush campaign is a reminder that throwing money at the public doesn’t always work.  There needs to be a persuasive message and appealing message bearer.  In the end Bush had neither of these but he did spend $130 million in the process.  It is not uncommon for companies in crises to […]

Spin, Spin, Spin

The moment Justice Antonin Scalia’s death was announced, the spin began pro and con over what the vacancy on the court meant.  All sides are furiously engaged in a battle of words.  The president has vowed to move ahead with naming a replacement.  The senate Republicans have pledged to block a new Justice until after the […]

Publicity For The Poor

Say what you want about Pope Francis but he is dedicated to publicizing the plight of the poor and scolding nations for failing to care for them.  He has made poverty a central theme in his reign and he rarely misses a chance to highlight the miseries of the masses who have little shelter, food […]

Great Science Publicity

The detection of gravity waves — a first for mankind — has also produced some great science publicity such as this.  The producer of the video has taken a complex topic and boiled it to its essentials to facilitate understanding.  The complexity lies in the building of the two machines in the first place. Every source of […]


Sometimes a public will suffer from inertia and will not act when it is clearly in its interest to do so.  Venezuela is a basket case of hyper inflation and lack of goods, but the people have not rebelled yet against the current leader, Nicolas Maduro.  They have put in a parliament of opposition legislators whom […]

Past Due

Some technologies don’t sit well with consumers.  They are always the next “big” thing in the marketplace but they never quite take off.  Consider 3D television or, for that matter 3D movies.  Some producers and directors have used it but most don’t.  There doesn’t appear to be a good reason why except the public apparently doesn’t […]

Unwanted Publicity

It is bad enough that one sponsors a race in which contestants stop and gorge on a dozen sugary donuts half-way through, but to have a runner drop dead in the middle of the challenge is unwanted publicity.  This is what happened at the annual Krispy Kreme challenge in North Carolina, a race that benefits the North Carolina […]