Saturday January 11, 2025

Piling On?

The CEO of JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon, is accusing federal regulators of piling on his bank.  Rather than one regulator, he says, he now has five or six to deal with.  While that might be true, his complaint smacks of special pleading.  Large banks were in the thick of the financial meltdown, and they are […]

Disneyland and Medical PR

Disneyland has a medical and PR problem.  A measles outbreak has been traced to the theme park.  Disneyland wouldn’t have the issue if parents vaccinated their children, but many aren’t.  What is the company to do?  It would risk its business if it demanded that parents bring vaccination papers from their doctors before they are […]

When Media Attention Wanes

Five years ago the most devastating earthquake in Haiti’s history killed 200,000 people and left hundreds of thousands more homeless.  The media covered the quake and its aftermath intensively then moved on.  Today there are still more than 85,000 homeless in the country and little is being done for them.  The media’s attention is elsewhere, […]

What Is The Best PR?

Google has a program to wipe out bugs in software.  It is called Project Zero.  The policy of the internet giant is to give companies 90 days to fix a vulnerability and if the company has not done so, Google publicizes the flaw.  Microsoft ran afoul of Project Zero with a Windows 8.1 bug that […]

A $70 Million Hit To Reputation

Honda Motor Co. has just taken a $70 million hit to its reputation for safety in the form of fines imposed by the Federal government.  The fine, actually two separate penalties, comes from a failure to report defects to the government so it could act if recalls were needed.  Honda has a reputation for well […]


How do you protect your product when competitors give away competing offers free?  This is the latest challenge for the database industry, but it isn’t new to software. Operating systems, such as Linux, open source office software, applications of all kinds are offered for nothing.  It is a marketing and communications conundrum that software developers fight through […]

PR And The Police

Mayor Bill De Blasio of New York City is learning the hard way about maintaining proper public relations with his police force.  The mayor’s remarks about the way police handle arrests and deal with minority communities enraged the force.  Police officers turned their backs on him when he spoke at the funerals of two officers […]

Skating On The Edge

News that Israeli settlers stoned a US consul’s car and vandalized 5,000 Palestinian olive saplings raises an interesting question.  How far can dissidents go before they lose public sympathy?  They are skating on the edge of losing support internally in Israel and externally with nations sympathetic to the country.  One wonders why Israel can’t control […]


It is a new calendar year but the same problems and opportunities exist for individuals and companies and the same PR challenges remain.  Days off don’t shift the cast of them and probably do not revise the personal view of what one needs to do.  We forget with the hoopla of a New Year that […]


When the public revolts, what then?  This is what Greece is about to find out.  The ballot box will be the communication that tells whether its citizens have had enough of austerity or are willing to stay the harsh course.  There is little that the politicians in power can do except to point to the […]