Saturday January 11, 2025

The Pope And Politics

The pope’s pronouncements on the environment and the poor are not sitting well with Republican Catholics.  Once upon a time — a few hundred years ago — this might have put the pontiff in a political bind, but no longer.  Popes today have the ability to speak their minds concerning moral issues.  The present Holy […]

Strategic PR

Japan is joining war games being held by the US and Australia.  The move is significant since Japan has long forsworn the military.  The move also is PR targeted toward China and its ambitions in the South China sea.  There is no doubt that China is expansionist, and it is willing to use military action to […]

PR For A Major Culture Change

This is PR for an ongoing,culture change.  Some day, not far into the future, a car will drive itself.  The public is not ready for it — yet.  They need to be by time the first robotic cars reach dealerships.  Major automakers are edging into the technology by providing elements of self-driving without offering the whole package. […]


Apparently the police warned the manager of a Waco, TX restaurant about having rival motorcycle gangs on the premises.  The ensuing rumble left nine dead and a state of chaos the police had to break up.  Now, 170 bikers are charged with capital murder and the restaurant is shut for the time being.  One wonders […]

Fact Checking

Leave it to political campaigns to turn fact checking into a weapon.  And when the fact checking doesn’t go their way, they make up facts to use in TV advertising.  Political campaigners are often people who believe the end justifies the means.  That politicians go along with them says something about the moral rectitude of […]


It is harder now for a reporter to get away with a biased interview.  Consider this.  Bloomberg’s political editor, Mark Halperin, went too far in trying to test presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, on his Hispanic background.  The internet erupted in outrage over the questions Halperin was asking.  Halperin, for his part, is left with a […]

PR And History

A total of 187 Asian scholars are calling on Japan to admit its wartime atrocities against neighbors and allied countries.  Their PR effort, done by open letter to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, has not yet succeeded.  Abe is resistant to apologizing for crimes such as putting Korean women into prostitution to serve its soldiers.  Nations, […]

Gone And Forgotten

There is nothing one can do in PR or marketing to save a business that the public no longer needs.  Consider, for example, the one-hour photo processing industry.  There are just 190 stores left in the US, and one wonders how they hang on.  Business is Darwinian.  With the demise of film, so too came […]

Politics 101

A first step in political campaigning today is to secure your web site names.  That is why this mistake by a former high-tech CEO is a howler. It comes under, “What was Carly thinking?”  She is running for President on her business experience, but she failed in a basic requirement.  That opens her to mockery […]

Ethical Dilemma?

When should a reporter become part of a story?  Some say never. That is why this journalist is causing angst among purists.  Sanjay Gupta is a neurosurgeon and reporter for CNN.  He has a habit in crises of pitching in and helping the wounded, especially when there are no other qualified medical staff available.  From a medical perspective, […]