Friday January 10, 2025

For Sale – Cheap

It is little wonder that the public doesn’t trust politicians when hacks seek to monetize everything.  Consider this instance.  Sit with Hillary for $2700.  That’s cheap, but the image it projects is of a candidate for sale when a politician should be demonstrating integrity to the public.  Instead, it is bucks here and there and everywhere.  Candidates […]

Hitting The Wall

How do you handle PR when your idea has smashed into an impenetrable wall?  This is a problem for Republican governors who rose to their elected offices with a pledge of “no new taxes.”   They are facing budget deficits without revenue to offset them.  So, they are taking pragmatic action.  They are selectively raising taxes […]

Big Data Fail

Someone tampered with the data in Google’s search and posited this as an explanation for the disappearance of dinosaurs.  Google had no explanation for how it happened.  Data tampering happens constantly, and Google is put in the position of catching up rather than being proactive and correcting misinformation.  The problem is endemic to Big Data. […]

Big Number

Facebook is celebrating the one-billionth download of its messenger app.  It is not the only company to have reached that number but it is extraordinary nevertheless.  It is hard to conceptualize big numbers and a billion is beyond the imagination of most people.  That is the population of the US nearly three times over — […]

Facts And PR

Apple has been trumpeting the success of its “Apple Pay” application and calling 2015 as the year it will take off.  Reuters is not convinced and did its own study of the system.  It turns out that Apple has been exaggerating.  The result is embarrassment because someone checked the facts versus the contention.  Apple ought […]

Polls And Perception

It was news yesterday that Hillary Clinton’s polling numbers had dropped. There were fretting and warnings about her future as a presidential candidate.  Some had the good sense to note that early polls don’t mean much.  The electorate hasn’t focused on the 2016 elections.  The fear is that the perception of weakness with voters might be enough for […]


Even though one has a title, there is no guarantee power goes with it.  That is what Sepp Blatter realized after being re-elected as president of FIFA.  Rather than running the organization, he was going to be spending his time defending his reputation and answering questions from prosecutors.  He also would be under the gun to reform […]


One of the first lessons a PR practitioner learns is that people aren’t rational.  This fact took decades for economists to learn.  The burgeoning field of behavioral economics is a testament to the truth that people often work against their best interests because of risk aversion. What to make then of men who work long […]

Free Speech

The Supreme Court voided the conviction of a Pennsylvania man who posted violent remarks on his Facebook page.  The court said federal law had set the bar too low for the charge to be upheld.  The ruling was apparently narrow but it poses a question of how threatening messages can be before authorities can act. […]

Credibility Impaired

How does an organization maintain its credibility when this happens?  The world of professional soccer has been turned upside down with the indictments of vice presidents and executive committee members for graft.  The president, Sepp Blatter, has been left untouched, but the charges stop at the door to his office.  It is clear that FIFA […]