Monday January 6, 2025

PR Embarrassment

Sony Pictures is coming out with a film that tells of the discovery of concussion-related illnesses in former National Football League players.  The NFL has only a few months to prepare for an onslaught of negative stories and for league players protests.  The NFL has been dealing with the issue for several years but not […]

Too Safe?

Google has an interesting conundrum with its driverless cars.  It seems that they are too safe.  The cars follow traffic instructions exactly but human driver’s don’t.  Hence, the cars have been caught in circumstances beyond their software, such as passing through a four-way stop.  Public relations would call for driver-less vehicles to drive like the […]

Crisis Of Reputation

A company that can’t get its numbers right has a fundamental crisis of reputation.  Consider Toshiba.  It has delayed its annual results a second time because it continues to find more errors in accounting.  One asks what kind of company is it that has to do that.  It is clear now that Toshiba had been […]