Saturday January 4, 2025

Bomb Speech

The explosion of a truck bomb in Baghdad’s central market is a form of speech — an ugly taunt at the government and proclamation that no one is safe in Iraq from the Islamic State. There is no reasoning with people who use such message transmission.  The only safe outcome is use of force to capture […]

Wages And Internal PR

This is dismal news for hourly and salary workers.  Not only has the buying power of money declined but there is the prospect of less of it for employees across industries.  It points to an internal PR challenge — to keep restive workers happy.  One way to handle the situation is through transparent and abundant […]

Tit For Tat

South Korea said it will restart propaganda broadcasts to North Korea in reprisal for North Korea planting two mines that injured South Korean soldiers on patrol.  This tit for tat is part of the ongoing truce between the two countries.  The war between the north and south has never been concluded — only stalled with each side […]

Pay Spin

The SEC has adopted a rule that forces companies to disclose the ratio of the CEO’s pay to that of the median employee.  Get ready for spin.  Some companies will pursue pretzel logic to reduce the ratio.  Others will state what it is and do little more unless there is shareholder activism. In fairness to […]

Government V. Corporations

There is a truism in organizational behavior.  Government tolerates situations that it won’t stand for in corporations.  Consider this case.  Government did not cause the initial pollution in the lake, but once it nationalized the petroleum companies, it didn’t begin to clean the water.  Today, it appears to be tolerating the mess as long as […]