Saturday January 4, 2025

Want And Need

Apple Watch reviews are out and they vary from superlative to so-so.  Unanswered by the reviewers I read is why one would need one with all of the other hand-held devices on the market.  This ultimately may be the PR challenge to the company — how to make the watch indispensable.  After the “fan-boys” have purchased one, […]

Getting It Wrong, cont.

Sometimes, though rarely, a reporter will fess up and admit that a story was wrong.  Here is a spectacular case.  It took an impartial investigation to determine that Rolling Stone’s writer was duped and the publication with it.  One should not expect this to happen often.  A reporter will fight tenaciously to vet and protect […]

Why Be Appalled?

Commentators are bashing Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada for his lies about Mitt Romney’s tax situation during the last election.  They are calling it cynicism that has changed the nature of Washington politics.  But, why be appalled?  Politics were down and dirty from the beginning.  Consider the stand-off between Jeffersonians and Federalists.  John Adams and […]

The Mighty Fall

When I worked briefly in an investment bank decades ago, bankers talked to God, if God made an appointment.  They were name-droppers of the powerful and up-and-comers.  Staff had to show the proper obeisance and tolerate their whims.  Arrogance was oxygen.  How the mighty have fallen.  It is a never-ending lesson that power comes and goes. […]

How Social Media Fuels Content Marketing — INFOGRAPHIC

AdAge’s article, “Four Areas Agencies Need to Embrace to Stay Relevant” caught my attention. It notes external collaboration is an area agencies need more of to keep up in our industry. Internal collaboration is equally important–and almost as rare. Industry discussions around social media, public relations and content marketing provide one example. These discussions seem […]