Thursday January 2, 2025


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Strange Diplomacy

When you call an ally, “chickenshit”, you are engaged in strange diplomacy. That was what an American government official called the Israeli prime minister.  Gutter language is not a part of diplomacy, even if one hates the opposition.  One must always leave a door open for talks and for peacemaking.  It is a fact that […]

Long-term PR Problem

Just as the Exxon Valdez caused multi-decade problems for Alaska, BP’s Deepwater Horizon well in the Caribbean has left a wide bed of gunk on the ocean floor.  The damage might not be visible but it is there on the seabed where marine creatures can ingest it to what effect is unknown.  This means that […]

A Burden On Reputation

The University of North Carolina has imposed a burden on its reputation that will last a long time.  This comes from an academic scandal in which athletes could take courses that did not require them to show up for class.  The university is in the process of cleaning up the mess it made, but it hasn’t done […]

Slow Aggression

Israelis are using slow aggression to move Palestinians out of Jerusalem.  The government has just approved 1,000 new homes to be built on land that Palestinians consider to be theirs.  Once settlers are embedded in the territory and have the defense of the Israeli army behind them, there is little chance that Palestinians can regain […]

Sunk By A Supplier

Honda and every other auto manufacturer that used airbags from the Takata Corp. is involved in a massive recall.  They have been sunk by a supplier who made a defective part.  The recall will involve tens of millions of dollars, most, if not all, of which will come from Takata.  Takata also will face lawsuits […]

Succession Planning

This is the reason why every organization should have a succession plan in place for its CEO and other top executives.  It is also the reason why the PR department should have a crisis plan that envisions the loss of the CEO.  Death at the hands of an allegedly drunk snowplow driver is unusual and might be a […]

Change And Inertia

Chief Marketing Officers are complaining that they are supposed to measure everything in marketing but they don’t have tools or authority to do it.  It seems company executives want measurement but they aren’t willing to change behaviors to get it.  Welcome to cultural inertia.  Public relations practitioners are intimately familiar with bone-deep reluctance to adapt to shifting […]

Celebrity Comes — And Goes

In the news this morning a story about President Obama on the stump in Maryland before an audience that was decreasing as he spoke.  There may have been many reasons for people leaving, but Obama must be aware that there was a time not long ago when voters would queue to hear him and would […]

The Peril Of A Poor Reputation

Comcast, the cable TV company, is learning the fallout of a poor reputation.  The city council of Worcester, MA not only said no, but “Hell no!” to Comcast’s petition to serve the town of 180,000.  This isn’t going to hurt Comcast’s bottom line, but it must sting to have verbal brickbats thrown at company representatives. […]