Thursday January 2, 2025

Losing the PR Battle is slowly but surely losing the PR battle with publisher, Hachette.  Authors, well known and not, have united in protest groups to oppose the company’s actions.  Amazon is not listing books from Hachette or not making them available for weeks.  It makes little difference at this point that Amazon’s position is a benefit to […]

Keep ‘Em In The Dark

The world knows about the democracy protests in Hong Kong, but not the people just across the border in mainland China.  There, every mention of people in the streets protesting has been blocked in a modern example of Orwell’s 1984.  In the internet age, can China really get away with censoring news?  We’re about to […]

Common Sense

These nine rules for handling e-mail should be filed under common sense.  Unfortunately, as always, common sense is not common.  I had boiled down e-mail to three points.  1.  Keep it short.  2. Keep it accurate  3. Manage your mail.   There is overlap between my points and his.  Whether you follow nine rules or three, […]

Hanging Out

Coke, Pepsi and Dr. Pepper have finally agreed on something — the sugar calories in soda aren’t good for you.  They have committed themselves to reducing the calories by 20 percent by 2025(!).  With such a long lead time, they can nibble at the goal for 10 years.  And, maybe, that is what they have […]

Fundamental Credibility

Tesco, the UK grocery chain, is learning the hard way about credibility and reputation.  You can’t fake numbers and maintain either.  It is obvious but someone (or a group of executives) did it anyway.  Now the facts are emerging and the company is under stress.  What would possess the executives involved in undertaking such a […]

Fried Motherboard

Those who reach this blog through the web page,, were legitimately confused during the last week.  The date did not change from Sept. 12. That was because I was dealing with a fricasseed motherboard on my home computer from which I reach my web site.  A dead machine is never pretty, and this one died slowly enough […]

Precarious Balance

The DNA testing company, 23andMe, is in a precarious position with its customers.  Some want to know everything about their background, including finding lost relatives and siblings.  Others don’t.  They want to keep embarrassing episodes of family history buried and lost in mists of time.  After one customer discovered he had an illegitimate sibling, the […]

Credibility Again

This credibility destroyer keeps happening and one wonders when people are going to learn.  Lying about one’s academic credentials opens the possibility that one will lie about other things as well.  It is embarrassing to every employer this fellow had that he was able to slip through credential screening and end up for eight years with Wal-Mart. […]

Hope Springs…

Technology companies are banding together to co-develop and set guidelines for open source software.  They are working under the banner of TODO — Talk Openly: Develop Openly.  Put this effort under “Hope Springs Eternal.”  Historically competitors have failed at collaboration because of fears that someone might gain an edge in the marketplace before they do. […]

Case Study: Silence is choosing to remain silent in its dispute with publisher Hachette.  Its reputation is taking a beating from authors and publishers who are speaking out.  Amazon is becoming a case study for CEOs and PR practitioners in the dangers of failing to make one’s case public.  The company has a history of avoiding the […]