Thursday January 2, 2025


The Israeli shelling of a UN school in the Gaza Strip was a misstep for the country and its military.  It was most likely an accident but tell that to the Palestinian families who are grieving at this hour.  Relations between the two peoples could hardly get lower at a time when they should be […]

Back Tomorrow

I’m winding up two days off for vacation.  I’ll be back tomorrow.   Tweet This Post


One wonders why anyone would feel it necessary to copy another’s work verbatim and claim it as his own.  But that is what this fellow did, and it could cost him his Senate race.  He is claiming Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome as the reason for doing it.  That seems to be a stretch. Other classmates […]


So, you short a company’s stock and set out to destroy it.  You give public presentations explaining why the company is fraudulent.  If people believe you and sell the stock, you will win big.  If they don’t, you will lose billions.  That’s the position that Bill Ackman, a hedge fund manager is in in his […]


A food retailer like McDonald’s depends on suppliers for its fare.  The fast-food chain sets standards for quality and cleanliness and suppliers pledge to abide by them.  To make sure, restaurant companies audit suppliers regularly.  Still, it is possible for suppliers to cheat when not watched.   That is why this incident is maddening for […]


The death of 298 passengers and crew from a missile is a tragedy not only for the families affected but also for the company — Malaysia Airlines.  The company must feel it is snakebit to have two major accidents just a few months apart and both mysterious.  We may never know what happened to the […]

One Bad Egg

You’ve probably seen a news story and heard the recorded customer call to Comcast that has gone viral.  Comcast has apologized for the rudeness of its service rep who wouldn’t accept that a customer wanted to cancel.  The company is already one of the lowest rated for customer service and this incident only confirms the […]

Eyes Of The Beholder

The attorney general of the US says opposition to the president is racism.  A Caucasian Senator and Republican says not so.  Who is right and does it matter?  Slavery and discrimination against blacks has lasted for more than 300 years in the US.  The attorney general can be forgiven for seeing any opposition as more of the […]

Long-term PR Headache

The sunken cruise ship, the Costa Concordia, is back in the news, having been lifted from the rocks that ripped its hull apart.  Carnival Cruise lines, the owner of the ship must be breathing better, but the long-term PR headache has time to go before it is relieved.  The next task is towing the crippled […]

Negative Publicity

No company, especially a start-up, needs negative publicity like this.  It shows a lack of command and training and most importantly, common sense.  Uber’s ride sharing service can fail quickly if there are more high-speed chases like this one. The company already is under pressure from Yellow cab drivers, Taxi and Limousine Commissions and other car […]