Saturday January 4, 2025

A Failure To Coordinate

It seemed like a good idea — team with the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America and provide free memory tests to anyone worried about contracting the disease.  It is, but someone at Rite Aid Corp forgot to include the medical establishment, which doesn’t like the idea at all.  Doctors are saying the exam doesn’t work well […]

It’s What You Do

The Veteran’s Administration can say nothing right now to alleviate its problems.  The only proper PR is for the VA to shrink waiting lists and to provide promised service.  However, to do that, it needs more doctors, nurses and technicians to handle veterans’ needs.  That is assuming these professionals are available.  All this, of course, […]

Tough Assignment

If you are a Republican, how do you recruit racial and ethnic minorities?  It’s a tough assignment measured in ones and twos and not groups of voters switching party allegiance.  It requires the recruiter to ask fellow minorities to forget the Party’s traditional aversion to blacks and immigrants.  What is the argument that Republicans can […]

How Do You Handle A Satirist?

Jeff Bezos of Amazon is finding out.  Stephen Colbert has taken him to task for blocking access to a book publisher with whom Amazon is negotiating.  The TV sequence is funny and angry (Look at the whole segment.)  Amazon has remained silent because it is in the middle of negotiations with Hachette, which coincidentally publishes Colbert’s books. […]

Blame The ISP

Netflix has started leveling blame publicly at internet service providers whose downloading is slow.  Verizon is not amused.  This raises an issue of the risk of taking on vendors openly.  It is no guarantee that the vendor will change its ways and the bad relations one has fostered against the vendor might come back to […]

Don’t Trust Memory

As this article relates, memory can be altered in a number of ways, and one never knows it is happening.  That is why in journalism as well as in PR that one fact checks constantly.  There is rarely a time when one dare trust recall to be entirely correct.  What did that executive actually say? […]

Science Publicity

One lesson a scientist should learn is not to announce too loudly a discovery.  Future facts might humiliate.  This is what is happening now to the gravitational wave study that was bruited globally earlier this year.  Doubts are creeping in about the meaning of the data.  Did the astronomers see polarization in the cosmic microwave background or in […]

Win One, Lose One

Sometimes PR is a zero-sum activity.  One might win respect and reputation from one audience but lose it with another.  That happened over the weekend with President Obama.  His Taliban prisoner swap for an American POW was looked upon positively by many Americans but not all.  Several senators and congressmen considered it a bad deal, […]