Thursday January 2, 2025

Not PR

Misinformation like this is not PR.  There is no body of scientific fact that links autism with milk.  Other than protecting free speech, there is no excuse for publishing what clearly is not true.  PR is based first and foremost on facts and persuasive presentation of them.  Accuracy is the first rule because the media […]

When Publicity Goes Wrong

Sometimes creative media ideas go wrong.  When they do, you get an incident like this.  The publicist for a computer gaming company went to great time and expense to assemble a package that could pass for a safe — or a bomb.  How was a newsroom to know?  After the building had been evacuated, the […]

Brick Thrower

This is an example of a brick thrower, a person trying to influence events by making things up, fomenting trouble and twisting facts.   There are brick throwers on both ends of the political spectrum and they have existed since the beginning of the country.  They are lamentable and anti-PR, which concentrates on fostering relationships. […]

Memorial Day

Have a memorable Memorial Day and think of those still serving. Tweet This Post

What’s In A Name?

Fifty US Senators have signed a petition calling for the Washington Redskins football team to change its name. They consider the moniker a slur against Native Americans.  The owner of the team thinks otherwise.  He sees it as a positive image honoring Indians.  One name, two views. An observer can interpret this either way — […]

You’re The Boss

President Obama didn’t create the secret waiting lists at the Veterans Administration hospitals.  Most of the misbehavior didn’t occur on his watch.  No matter.  The boss takes the heat for failures below him and is responsible for cleaning it up.  Much like Mary Barra at General Motors, the crisis was handed on to him.  In […]

Image War

The power of images in persuasion is amusingly demonstrated in this story.  It is a face-off between Apple and Microsoft over the future of tablets.  Apple believes a tablet is its own device and is unrelated to other technology.  Microsoft sees the tablet as an extension of its operating system for PCs and laptops.   […]

The Non-Answer

This is what Sen. Marco Rubio is saying about whether he smoked pot earlier in his life.  It is a carefully worded non-answer.  One can assume that it is a well trained media response, rehearsed and play back on camera.  Rubio never answers the question with a yes or no.  He provides a reason for […]

Foreign Peril

New York University is learning the peril of starting operations in a different culture.  Although the University set guidelines for how workers should be treated at its Abu Dhabi campus, The New York Times has found that laborers were exploited and mistreated.  That is a blow to NYU’s reputation even though it had no direct control […]

Classic PR

Google held a press day to demonstrate its self-driving cars.  The day was a PR success in terms of media generated.  One reporter after another described the sensation of sitting in the back seat and watching the steering wheel turn by itself.  Google wanted them to say, and they did, that the experience was find […]